
Stormgate Dev Tracker

31 Mar


Originally posted by Crosas-B

The game’s success won’t be measured by how many campaign players opt to become competitive try-hards.

“I’ve had so many people say to me, ‘I’m not a real StarCraft player, I only play campaign,’ ” Morten said. “I’m like, ‘It’s okay!’ ”

Campbell chimed in: “You are exactly like 75 to 80 percent of the audience.”

Wow that's much more people that I'd have expected playing only campaign mode.... Maybe he is talking about campaign, cooperative and custom maps modes? Seems to me insane to have a 80% player base playing just single player mode.

It's a very emotional article, I really hope this goes well for all of them because they risked a lot with this project.

Don't forget to take my money, Tim.

I believe something like 75% of players never touch the ladder. Co-op and campaign are much bigger, at least by number of players. Custom games are big too.

(We're doing all of them!)


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

To be clear, my comment here was a joke.

...though I wouldn't mind if it turned out to be true. You listening, Frost Giant?? :D

Giant chickens to be canon in Stormgate. You heard it here first.


Originally posted by TheLeaderGrev

There's a paywall-free link sticked under this post!

Thank you for sharing that link with us!


Originally posted by LLJKCicero

Gift link if the main one is paywalled for you, courtesy of the author, u/TheLeaderGrev:

That is really cool of Mikhail to gift that link to our community. Awesome dude.

30 Mar


We hope you'll find something cool to read tomorrow!


I'm keeping my eyes on you! <3


Thank you! <3

I personally feel honored to support what the Frost Giant team is building here with Stormgate and to be a part of this community.

Our devs read the posts in this subreddit and it's so motivating to know that players like you are rooting for us. We're all super grateful for your support and we hope you love the game.


In my personal opinion, familiarity is good (i.e., if it ain't broke, don't fix it) and change is good (we don't want the genre to grow stagnant). We want to strike a balance of both.


Originally posted by XxSyphnnxX

Awesome! I'll definitely join up! I love sc2 and I'm glad there's gonna be another game like it!

See you there! Stormgate is coming to Steam -- wishlisting the game is the best way to support our team. <3


Originally posted by XxSyphnnxX

Most of the developers of SC2 actually left and joined another small company. I believe it's called Frost Giant, I'd have to double check, though

Edit: Yes, I have discovered that "Frost Giant" is the name. They're working on another RTS called Storm Gate.

That's us! Please feel free to join us on r/Stormgate. We have regular discussion threads with the community as we work together to make what he hope will be the next great RTS!

22 Mar

20 Mar


More than two!

17 Mar


When you say whale, how much have you spent?

14 Mar


Originally posted by ClaudiaTheDev

As kid it's somewhat understandable, especially the chess things is funny lol* some kids need more time to grow up and regulate their emotions than others.

lol, it hasn’t gotten much better ;)


As a kid, my wife once threw her controller at the screen when she got frustrated playing Super Mario bros on the NES. She also famously flipped a chessboard and dumped all the pieces on the ground because she was mad about losing a game to her uncle.

I think it’s more of a competitive/sportsmanship thing versus a guy thing.


Originally posted by Frost_monk

  1. StarCraft II
  2. Warcraft III
  3. Pokemon (various titles)
  4. Hearthstone
  5. StarCraft I
  6. Super Smash Brothers Melee
  7. Persona 5
  8. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  9. Zero Escape (various titles)
  10. Slay the Spire

It felt criminal for me to not include a few of my favorite games on this list, including Slay the Spire, Hades, Persona 4, Mass Effect, Street Fighter II, and (yes, I'm deadly serious) Marvel Heroes.