

12 Jun

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, sorry to dampen the mood, but a space update is not planned and I don't believe we've made any statements about such. Over the years we have participated in various player discussions regarding Europa surface exploration or probably even spaceflight, but to do these meaningfully would essentially mean making a whole new game, so it's very unlikely we would add these in the game.

We do have other cool things still planned for Barotrauma, even substantial additions, and we hope you'll like those when the time comes!

27 May

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Let's not call OP out, that's unnecessary. I know there are players here who dislike reporting on Github, and that's probably not going to change :) we do read the forums for bug reports too, but it's largely just me and our other community manager doing that, whereas Github is read by programmers directly.
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, if you haven't already, it would be great if you reported this in the GitHub discussions. I will also pass this along already, but bug reports are much easier for us to handle there, and other players can also upvote the issue to show that they have the same problem. Here's a link: https://github.com/FakeFishGames/Barotrauma/discussions/categories/bug-reports

02 May

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! This issue should now be fixed as of the hotfix we released a moment ago: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/602960/view/4191239030281207530
Hello everyone!

We've just released a second hotfix to address issues in the Blood in the Water update. Find the list of changes below, and be sure to update your game to the latest version.

Please note: We are aware of localization issues in certain talent descriptions, but unfortunately these could not be addressed in today's hotfix. We will release a third hotfix for the localization issues specifically a bit later, most likely next week.


- Fixed monsters sometimes spawning immediately after the round starts (Often happened between levels, when there was no outpost between them).
- The 'Art of Submarine Warfare' book granted by the 'War Stories' talent is now a separate item and the original book has been reverted to its original state.
- Fixed Thalamus' fleshgun ropes not being able to stick to a submarine anymore.
- Fixed Thalamus' flesh spike crashing the game in the multiplayer game mode.
- Added a scrollba... Read more

26 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Sorry for the trouble. We're aware of the issue, it was recently reported in our GitHub: https://github.com/FakeFishGames/Barotrauma/discussions/13847#top

If you have a GitHub account, please give the report an upvote. You can also keep tabs on the issue's progress there. We'll work to address the issue soon, but unfortunately I can't give a clear ETA on our next hotfix/patch yet.
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Update: the hotfix is now live, and your bots should respawn normally again following a restart. Find the list of changes here: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/602960/view/4181105297285388664
Hello everyone!

We've just released a hotfix to address a few commonly occurring issues in this week's update.


- Fixed crew remaining dead, mission remaining completed/failed, etc when you return to the lobby an restart the round. The issue was that the server did not properly load the previous save when opting to continue the ongoing campaign.
- Added a button to the server lobby which opens the server description in a popup to make it easier for players to find. We are still thinking of the best way to handle the description/MOTD, this is more of a quick band-aid solution for the description being too easy to miss / difficult to find at the moment.
- Fixed descriptions being outdated on some of the modified XP talents. Currently only fixed in English, the descriptions in other languages are still outdated.
- Fixed "command not found" error when trying to use the new "converttowreck" console command.
- Fixed items in a co... Read more
    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, we've a hotfix in the works to address this and a few other issues in the update. We'll hopefully release it soon, in the next couple of hours, or next week at latest!

24 Apr


Hello everyone!

The Blood in the Water update has just been released, with two new monsters, a medical system mini-overhaul, extra difficulty settings for campaign mode, and new wrecks and beacons for you to explore, to name only a few things.

Read more about the update in last week’s ... Read more

19 Apr


Hello everyone!

The Blood in the Water update is finally ready and coming next week. It introduces a lot of new dangers and customization options to offer suitable challenges for veteran submariners and new players alike. The update also adds new content, even a surprise monster some players may remember from early, pre-Steam builds of the game. Let’s take a final look at everything that’s coming next week!

Medicine and monsters
  • Medical system “mini-rework”. Rebalanced medical items, a couple of new afflictions, and new use cases for a few items.
  • Two new monsters. We’re adding two monsters that employ poisons in their attacks: the Viperling, a new Spineling variant… and the cave-dwelling Mantis, a monster that used to exist in early Barotrauma builds!
  • New attacks for Abyss monsters. The largest mon...
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16 Apr

Hello everyone, we've just released a second hotfix to address the multiplayer server crashes ongoing since last week. We are very sorry for the trouble and will continue to monitor the situation, but we are hopeful this fix should complete our countermeasures against these exploits being used to crash servers.

Please make sure to update your game to the latest version – the fix may take some time to apply as both clients and servers need to restart and update, so if you are still experiencing the server issue immediately after the update, please restart Barotrauma and Steam, and request that the server host do the same.

Please note that some source code mods, for example the very popular Lua for Barotrauma mod, need to be updated following this update. Servers using these mods will have some additional delay in the fix taking effect.

We wish everyone smooth sailing and thank you for your patience!


- Fixed another exploi... Read more

12 Apr

Hello everyone, we've just released a single-change hotfix to address an exploit that was discovered recently:

- Fixed an exploit that allowed crashing servers by sending them specifically crafted malformed data.

We're sorry for the trouble this exploit has caused to some multiplayer servers in recent days. This fix should allow you to get back to playing normally!

11 Apr

    Dynamoon on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, sorry for the trouble, everyone. We've taken steps to address the issue being exploited here and will release the fix soon. This should prevent further uses of this exploit to crash servers.

05 Apr


Hello everyone!

The next update is just a few weeks away now, and we have more new features to sneak peek at. We also wanted to give a little update on the development of the Permadeath mode that we ... Read more

28 Mar


Hello everyone!

Something that we have been working on for a long time alongside developing updates has been making Barotrauma available outside Steam as well. As we have seen unexpected successes with our little submarine simulator, year after year, we’ve been looking into ways to take it to other platforms eventually. Now we’re ready to make the game available through Epic Games Store in addition to Steam!

The Epic launch will not change anything for players who want to stick to Steam: When you launch Barotrauma for the first time following our EGS release, you will see a prompt asking you to enable crossplay between Steam and Epic. If you do not wish to do so, you can decline, and that will be all. You can also update your preferences at any time in the game settings.

If you enable crossplay, and if we find a lot of new users through Epic,... Read more

15 Mar


Hello everyone!

Let’s have another sneak peek at our upcoming spring update.

Diving suit rebalance We always intended diving suits to be used only for acute pressure protection: during hull breaches and while swimming. However, there are not many actual downsides to wearing a suit all the time, so a lot of people do just that… which has effectively eliminated water pressure as a threat. We wanted to change that by encouraging you to take your suit off when you don’t need it. Here’s what we’re changing:

  • Slowed flooding speed to give the crew more time to suit up during a hull breach. Hulls will fill with water more slowly, so the pressure will not become lethal as quickly.
  • Added new animations to diving suits and made walking and running in a suit slower. Swimming speed has not been reduced.
  • ...
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01 Mar


Hello everyone!

The next Barotrauma update is in the works, to be released in the late spring, and it will include some improvements to the medical system. This won’t be a complete overhaul, but we have reworked medical items to give each a clearer use case and stronger progression in the campaign, as well as added a few new afflictions to create additional late-game challenges.

Here are some highlights:
  • Opiates have been rebalanced to give each a clearer use case. They also cause addiction and overdose much more easily than before, making them high-risk, high-reward treatments.
  • Infected Wounds, a new dangerous affliction caused by Thresher attacks.
  • Antibiotic Glue now has multiple uses, so one tube can be used to treat multiple limbs. It can also treat Infected Wounds.
  • Deusizine ...
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11 Jan


Hello everyone!

We have just released a second hotfix for the Winter Update. Please be sure to update your game to the latest version to be able to host and join multiplayer servers, and see the full list of changes below.


- Allow scaling most items below 0.1 in the submarine editor again. We set 0.1 as a hard limit because smaller scales caused issues with tiling items (such as labels), without realizing some sub builders have found some creative uses for heavily downscaled items (such as tiny turrets used as "dials").

- Fixed escorted characters trying to leave the sub if they can't find a safe hull to get to (e.g. when the sub is flooded).
- Fixed rotated structures not appearing rotated on the status monitor.
- Fixed wires getting misaligned when saving them in an item asse... Read more

10 Jan


Hello everyone!

The year 2024 has officially started in Barotrauma development, and we’d like to kick it off with a brief development poll.

We’re planning a new, optional challenge mode for multiplayer campaigns where respawning is limited and character death is permanent, and we have a few competing designs for how we might implement this Permadeath mode.

If you are interested, read more about the Permadeath mode on our blog[barotraumagame.com], and give your feedback via the poll attached to the blog! You wil... Read more