8 months ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
Hi, if you haven't already, it would be great if you reported this in the GitHub discussions. I will also pass this along already, but bug reports are much easier for us to handle there, and other players can also upvote the issue to show that they have the same problem. Here's a link: https://github.com/FakeFishGames/Barotrauma/discussions/categories/bug-reports
8 months ago - Dynamoon - Direct link
Let's not call OP out, that's unnecessary. I know there are players here who dislike reporting on Github, and that's probably not going to change :) we do read the forums for bug reports too, but it's largely just me and our other community manager doing that, whereas Github is read by programmers directly.
8 months ago - Regalis - Direct link
I took a quick look at this, and unfortunately could not get the issue to occur - the pressure ratings protection does seem to match the value in the suit's description. My first guess would've been that it's caused by a mod too, but if you're not using any mods, the issue must be somewhere else.

Since we haven't run into this issue ourselves and it doesn't seem to be a widespread bug, I suspect that it requires some more specific circumstances to occur. Perhaps some specific combination of items and afflictions that alter the pressure protection or something along those lines. If you can provide any more clues that might help us diagnose the problem, could you please submit a report using the link above? It would also help others who may have encountered the issue to chip in. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!