

02 Apr

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all,

As we prepare for the start of the first Diablo IV PTR (Public Test Realm), we want to remind everyone what PTR is and what are some of the larger known issues that you may experience in this testing period. PTR allows players to check out and provide feedback on some of the content coming to Diablo IV in the near future.

Due to PTR being a preview of upcoming content, please note that many things are still in the early stages, and we have identified several notable ones in the list below. You should expect to see some less polish in a PTR from what you see in the final release, and that is totally normal. We can assure you that these items will be addressed before the start of the new season along with other smaller items that may not be listed below.

We are looking forward to the feedback the Diablo IV community provides throughout this PTR process, and we are thrilled to have everyone jump into the big changes coming to Season 4.


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22 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Meant to reply to this earlier. Had the tab open!

Stored Aspects will be moved to the Codex of Power for your Eternal character seamlessly when the season ends. It will take the highest of each Aspect that you may have collected into the new Codex.

So, let’s say you have an Aspect in your stash on your Eternal character and Season 4 begins, the Aspect will be automatically added to your codex and Aspect item will be destroyed.

But let’s say you had a max roll of that same Aspect from your season 4 character’s stash, it will then seamlessly replace your lower roll Aspect in Eternal and forever be in your Eternal codex that way.

Just a small caveat is that this happens automatically for anything in your account stash when the season transition occurs. If you have them in a specific alt character’s inventory, you will need to just hop on them after the Season rollover and those will then seamlessly move to the Codex as well.

The seasonal codex does r...

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21 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

For some added context, the way it works is that there will be two options now. One is a Standard zoomed feature which is how it is presently in the game. The other will be a Far feature which is what some noticed yesterday.

Some platforms like PC (but not Steam Deck) will default to the Far zoomed out feature. There will be a new option in the menu to change this to Standard as well. Steam Deck can also change it, but I just want to note their default is the Standard zoom.

Consoles will also have these two options as well.

The team did some extra checks on performance for this as this does increase draw distance and add some more things on the screen. If players experience any performance related items during PTR, please let us know in the PTR forums when those open up. It is important for us to make sure we get that in.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Everything presented in the stream yesterday will be both eternal and seasonal.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is something the team is aware of and the plan is to offer some glyph XP bumps in Season 4 so they do progress faster for players.

This wont be present in the PTR just because we are also giving everyone boosted glyphs but expect to see this when S4 starts.

15 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We will have a blog before the 26th with a great breakdown on the tech being included along with some good before/afters.

12 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just want to note that no existing items have had price increases.

The product team though has been hearing the feedback and it may take a little bit but there will be some more discounted items available in the coming weeks/months and we have some changes to announce regarding some other items like the Portal Pack here soon.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is 1.3.4 - You can find the patch notes on the patch notes page.

PTR will be in the coming weeks and we will have a stream next week to talk more about it. Details on that soon.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

New one kicks in at 11:15am PDT. Last week it was 10:15am PST but we had a daylight savings time hit over the weekend so hours are shifted accordingly.

05 Mar

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have a list of a few known issues in 1.3.3 for Gauntlet that will be addressed in a future patch in the coming week.

  • Leaderboard filtering amongst ‘Friends’ on Solo can lead to a blank or empty page.

  • Leaderboard filtering amongst ‘Clans’ or ‘Friends’ can lead to a single entry only.

We want to make sure players know that these are not working correctly, and will be addressed shortly.

08 Feb

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just wanted to toss in that the team has an update for those who are having to create new characters to redeem some cosmetics for the Lunar New Year Event.

For example: If you are a Necromancer and you have a Wand cosmetic from the event, you aren’t able to redeem it on your Necromancer due to some restrictions in the game. This then forced you to store this in your stash and make a new Sorceror just to redeem the reward. This will be fixed so you can redeem them on any class. We ask that you just store them in your stash until this patch hits.

Thanks for the feedback and apologies on the confusion with this.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just wanted to toss in that the team has an update for those who are having to create new characters to redeem some cosmetics for the Lunar New Year Event.

For example: If you are a Necromancer and you have a Wand cosmetic from the event, you aren’t able to redeem it on your Necromancer due to some restrictions in the game. This then forced you to store this in your stash and make a new Sorceror just to redeem the reward. This will be fixed so you can redeem them on any class. We ask that you just store them in your stash until this patch hits.

Thanks for the feedback and apologies on the confusion with this.

05 Feb

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We believe we have identified the issue. We will have the fix in the next patch. We have identified an immediate workaround as well.

  1. Click the :gear: icon next to your “Play” Button on the Launcher
  2. Click on ‘Game Settings’
  3. Click on the ‘Additional command line arguments’ checkbox
  4. Add ‘-disableds’ to the box that appears.
  5. Launch Game

03 Feb

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

A hotfix has rolled out this evening resolving this issue.

We have re-enabled WT4 Vault of the Loom.

Trading has also been re-enabled.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

A hotfix has rolled out this evening resolving this issue.

We have re-enabled WT4 Vault of the Loom.

Trading has also been re-enabled.

01 Feb

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve have temporarily disabled access to the World Tier 4 version of the Vault of the Loom while the team investigates some connection issues players are experiencing.

We will update once this is available again for all players.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

We’ve have temporarily disabled access to the World Tier 4 version of the Vault of the Loom while the team investigates some connection issues players are experiencing.

We will update once this is available again for all players.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all -

The design team has some upcoming plans for players who may have numerous Uber Uniques that they may not use.

The team wanted to get a PSA out to users to hang onto these for now. We will have more information to share soon regarding this but felt it was important to give an early heads up to players.

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi all -

The design team has some upcoming plans for players who may have numerous Uber Uniques that they may not use.

The team wanted to get a PSA out to users to hang onto these for now. We will have more information to share soon regarding this but felt it was important to give an early heads up to players.

27 Jan

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

This patch is now available for download on all platforms.