5 days ago - Shurenai - Direct link
There's no specific release time for the experimental, Dev's'll be fixing up notable issues that cropped up during the streamer event, then whenever they're done with that and a quick test period to make sure it works, they'll put the experimental up. It'll likely be some time after 12pm cst.
5 days ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by thacarter5: I was wondering same thing. Is it limited access?
It's opt in, via the steam beta menu. Anyone will be able to opt in at their own discretion. It IS an Unstable Experimental; So go in with that in mind. Or wait till next monthish for the stable release.
5 days ago - /u/ - Direct link
There's no specific release time for the experimental, Dev's'll be fixing up notable issues that cropped up during the streamer event, then whenever they're done with that and a quick test period to make sure it works, they'll put the experimental up. It'll likely be some time after 12PM CST.

When it's put up, they'll likely make an announcement about it.

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