Originally posted by SQUIID:
Originally posted by Shurenai: That is pretty literally the definition of Griefer, though. To harass or deliberately provoke othjer players to the express end of spoiling their enjoyment of the game.
The definition from Dictionary.com:
an online game player who intentionally spoils the game for other players
So yes, To a player that does NOT enjoy their base being offline raided, and who does NOT enjoy getting killed at random, A player doing those things to them spoils the game for them; Ergo the offending player is a griefer, from the perspective of that theoretical player.
It is absolutely a subjective term; That I will not contend. But it very much falls within the literally accepted definition of the word.
whats the fun in no action?
To you? Maybe not much. To me? Quite a lot, thank you. I get enough stress and action from zombies beating at my door and the time crunch of the next horde night without also having to constantly worrying that I'll log back in to my base having explosion holes in it, and all my chests emptied of anything valuable.
I avoid playing 7DTD on public servers at all because I consider such a thing to be utterly unacceptable. If I spend 40 hours grinding out materials and building up a fancy base, I dont want all that torn asunder in 30 minutes while i'm offline by some random guy who stumbled upon my place.
And the majority of the playerbase is in general agreeance to my stance- This is a Singleplayer/Cooperative game. Noone wants a griefer in a coop game. Noone wants to be the one who has "That guy" show up and ruin all their progress.
You may not agree with that stance; And you're welcome to that opinion. But, Most fans of this game do not share it, and that is evidenced by the huge number of people that play in SP or in a passworded server where the players that join can be pretty strictly controlled.
Edit: Oh and heck, Just as an aside, There are several PVP servers for the game; But basically all of the ones I've seen have massively cranked loot settings and a starting kit. So it seems to me, at least in my limited view of the pvp servers I've seen, even the pvpers here dont wanna deal with griefers and losing all their progress.