over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜: Yeah, there was some discussion about this a long time ago and I kind of agree.
It would be a nice QoL improvement to have two separate "modes" for our tools.
I can see it now. The change is implemented.. Within days, the horde descends upon the forums "Wtf is up with this stupid feature, I keep accidentally upgrading when I want to repair! It got me killed!" "This is BS, I have to fully repair a block before I can upgrade it, so i'm constantly switching modes! Change it back!" and many other such fun titles.

While I get OP's issue, I think bit more care in your control over the use of the tool might go a longer and less frustrating way than a change that adds a toggleable mode or a second entire tool.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
One could put hypotheses on how convenient or annoying it would be to the test. It should only take xml modding to set the items up this way.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by ⚜ JOST AMMAN ⚜:
Originally posted by Shurenai: I can see it now. The change is implemented.. Within days, the horde descends upon the forums "Wtf is up with this stupid feature, I keep accidentally upgrading when I want to repair! It got me killed!" "This is BS, I have to fully repair a block before I can upgrade it, so i'm constantly switching modes! Change it back!" and many other such fun titles.

While I get OP's issue, I think bit more care in your control over the use of the tool might go a longer and less frustrating way than a change that adds a toggleable mode or a second entire tool.
The solution is simple: one tool could have both modes, the other one it's only for repairs.
That way if someone comes here complaining we tell them to use "the other one"... :lunar2019grinningpig:

Not a bad idea, especially since I think there's already room to make the different upgrade/repair tools more different from each other.

Idea: instead of setting your tool to upgrade or repair mode, you set the maximum level you want to upgrade/repair blocks. As in, set it to concrete mode and it won't do anything to a block that's fully repaired concrete or better. Not to get sidetracked, but this would be more feasible for the radial menu in A20, when we'll only have 4 building materials.

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