almost 4 years
ago -
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Max supported player count is 8 players.
Max stable limit on average server-grade hardware is going to be 20 players.
Max stable limit on extremely high-end server hardware is going to be 30 players.
OP's hardware is towards the lower-end. It's capable, but with the lower clock speeds they're going to struggle. I would put the bottom-end at a 3-3.5Ghz system with a minimum of 6 cores.
Another consideration is the drives. Most of those older systems are going to come with a pair of SAS drives, usually 10,000 RPM, but some higher. Those aren't going to be quite fast enough for supporting more than about 6 players until the game is optimized more. You will want to add in the cost of purchasing some SSD's for running the servers save data on.
Max stable limit on average server-grade hardware is going to be 20 players.
Max stable limit on extremely high-end server hardware is going to be 30 players.
OP's hardware is towards the lower-end. It's capable, but with the lower clock speeds they're going to struggle. I would put the bottom-end at a 3-3.5Ghz system with a minimum of 6 cores.
Another consideration is the drives. Most of those older systems are going to come with a pair of SAS drives, usually 10,000 RPM, but some higher. Those aren't going to be quite fast enough for supporting more than about 6 players until the game is optimized more. You will want to add in the cost of purchasing some SSD's for running the servers save data on.