3 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Leader of the Zakonistians:
Originally posted by Pybro: damn this be real good upvote
I agree. It really doesn't make sense to read the same books over and over and somehow get new info every time. It's the same book. That doesn't make sense
It's not any more 'the same book every time' than it is 'the same hunk of meat every time'. Imagine it as a series of magazines instead of just 1; They just represented it as a specific magazine because it would be tiresome and cumbersome if all 20-100 magazines for every single crafting skill were individualized the way the book series are with 1-7. Not every Cosmopolitan magazine is the same, but they all have the same word on the cover; It's a brand.

I could go either way on the suggestion itself.. Being able to trade in ones you find for ones you want would be pretty OP and completely mess with the balance of the drop rate and pacing of unlocks that TFP set up. At the same time, I can understand that it can be annoying to Want a specific thing and not be able to get it right away and then having bad luck getting the specific book you want.

It'd absolutely have to be trading at a loss though- Trading in enough books to compensate the purchase price of the book you want at a minimum. If it were 1:1 it'd be straight up broken.