about 4 years
ago -
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It's not inherently bad. Though it is possible for you to have a bad experience.
The game is designed for co-op with up to 8 players. (Work is being done to support more, but that is all that is officially supported at this time.) Servers that exceed a player count of 20 are likely to have issues.
Some key points when joining a public server.
1. Pick a server with low ping. Anything over 70ms will cause you problems with hit lag, and sync issues over time that will prevent you from seeing changes as they happen or accessing containers.
2. Pick a server with options that fit your playstyle.
3. This is not a PvP game. Keep that in mind if you plan on trying out PvP servers. The game balance and mechanics are designed almost entirely around a pvE playstyle. This is not Rust, so don't expect it to be.
4. Day count is meaningless. It doesn't matter if you're level 1 and the server is on day 3486. The zombies and hordes will be scaled to your gamestages if you are alone. Even if you join a server during horde night for the first time, you will be ok.
The game is designed for co-op with up to 8 players. (Work is being done to support more, but that is all that is officially supported at this time.) Servers that exceed a player count of 20 are likely to have issues.
Some key points when joining a public server.
1. Pick a server with low ping. Anything over 70ms will cause you problems with hit lag, and sync issues over time that will prevent you from seeing changes as they happen or accessing containers.
2. Pick a server with options that fit your playstyle.
3. This is not a PvP game. Keep that in mind if you plan on trying out PvP servers. The game balance and mechanics are designed almost entirely around a pvE playstyle. This is not Rust, so don't expect it to be.
4. Day count is meaningless. It doesn't matter if you're level 1 and the server is on day 3486. The zombies and hordes will be scaled to your gamestages if you are alone. Even if you join a server during horde night for the first time, you will be ok.