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Cross-platform support has been announced for a couple of years, and more recently has been said to eventually include the upcoming console port as well. EOS is just the first step.
Originally posted by Midnight:Yes, that is the ultimate plan. Once the PC client is finished, there will be a new port to the consoles. TFP is already seeking a publisher to handle it. TFP has also stated clearly that they intend to support play between PC's and Consoles, and that they want for the new client to be backwards compatible to the PS4 and XB1. (I have my doubts about this last bit, but with optimizations later, maybe it will be possible.)Originally posted by SylenThunder: Cross-platform support has been announced for a couple of years, and more recently has been said to eventually include the upcoming console port as well. EOS is just the first step.wait so we might get crossplay between console and pc ?
Originally posted by MoistGamer: Will the new console port replace the old one, if someone already got the old game will they get the new console port for free (like PC players do for alpha) or wiill console players get double dipped and have to buy it again?The old port cannot be updated further. The new port will be a new game requiring a new purchase. And again, you can thank Telltale for ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you guys over big time.
Originally posted by MoistGamer: Will the new console port replace the old one, if someone already got the old game will they get the new console port for free (like PC players do for alpha) or wiill console players get double dipped and have to buy it again?
Originally posted by Pike:Correct. Telltale called the existing console version the official release., And TFP can't update the existing console version due to the Sony and Microsoft store policies on released games. The policy in specific is that an update to the game after release Cannot break save compatibility- The issue here is that nearly every major version of the game since then has broken save compatibility- And several minor versions did too.Originally posted by Roland:Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Pimps would not be able to update the original even if they wanted to right? Something to do with Consoles not allowing entire game changes like that. Maybe the Pimps, as a gesture of good will, could do a timed discount for owners of the original console port like Bandai did when they phased out Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition for Dark Souls Remastered.
The next console version of 7 Days to Die will be more different from the first one than Madden 2021 and Madden 2022 and people don't blink before purchasing the new Madden. Consider the next console version 7 Days to Die 2023 and the first version 7 Days to Die 2017 and you won't feel so screwed.