10 months ago - Gazz - Direct link

So DVulture/SMG are T3 ranged, yet they are treated even worse than other T2 ranged.

If they dropped on a T2 loot table it could be reasonable but no, they are actually harder to find than other weapons since Vulture/SMG share the slot when an agility firearm is rolled to drop.

Compound bows do use the T2 quality and loot template so they drop much earlier and at higher quality.

Your preferred weapon already dropped half as likely and now you get shafted on mod slots compared to other T3 ranged.

Who hates the agility attribute so much?

10 months ago - Gazz - Direct link

Handguns vs bows is firepower vs stealth.

Bow vs crossbow is obviously a sidegrade where you choose high mobility vs maximum sneak attack damage. If you really like bows and run&gun often, a bow can actually work well while a crossbow gets your ass bitten.

If you're not the sneaky type then yes, a rifle will beat a crossbow in most cases. But then you should go Perception.

It's rather the magnum/vulture that have no real niche in the game and were added purely for coolness, bloating the attribute even more. =P