

12 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's called explosionresistance, a material property.

16 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

IMO the gunplay is okay but not nearly on the level of games that do nothing but.

My only issue there is that someone at TFP hates the agility attribute and all the agility firearms get shafted on both drop rate and mod slots.

I changed that in my game but it's still one of those weird people issues.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bob is my clear favourite.

I rarely buy weapons and armor off of traders and he has those to some degree.

What I look for early to mid game are electricity / workstation / trap / vehicle books and parts and he has all of that, including a higher chance for crucibles and vehicle parts.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

In Prison 1 I was lucky I had brought a 2nd stack of SMG ammo with me and I got it done.

There are a 134 (I mean... a bunch) of those POI now. Unfortunately there is no way to know which ones you pretty much HAVE TO go loud with.

I mean there is if you happened to search for SleeperVolumeTriggeredBy across all files and unique/sort it but who would do that?

Bumrush Counter




Aldos Cabinet



Animal Hospital



Appliance Co.



Atlas Metal Co.


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12 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Summary: While you are fully submerged in water many of the item actions on thrown explosives do not work as expected.

Game Version: A21 b324

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: Client on Dedi, RWG

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Bug Description:

While you are fully submerged in water:

Thrown rocks/snowballs: work
Grenade: works

Molotov: no interaction possible

Pipe bomb: Can light. Can not throw. Explodes in your hand.
Stick of dynamite: Can light. Can not throw. Explodes in your hand.
Contact grenade: Can pull pin. Can not throw. Does not explode.
Timed charge: Can arm. Can not throw. Does not explode.

I know that at least in some cases (maybe all) this is in X...

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    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Summary: While you are fully submerged in water many of the item actions on thrown explosives do not work as expected.

Game Version: A21 b324

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: Client on Dedi, RWG

Did you start a new game? Yes

Did you validate your files? Yes

Bug Description:

While you are fully submerged in water:

Thrown rocks/snowballs: work
Grenade: works

Molotov: no interaction possible

Pipe bomb: Can light. Can not throw. Explodes in your hand.
Stick of dynamite: Can light. Can not throw. Explodes in your hand.
Contact grenade: Can pull pin. Can not throw. Does not explode.
Timed charge: Can arm. Can not throw. Does not explode.

I know that at least in some cases (maybe all) this is in X...

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11 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

You get quite a bit of XP upgrading concrete to steel and placement mistakes are 1/2 as hard to fix.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Block: Iron Garage Door 3x2 (Powered) // ironGarageDoor_PoweredBlockVariantHelper

Summary: When using the radial menu to pick up one of the placed doors you do not get the VariantHelper block back.

Instead you get the individual door variant back which can not be shape (colour) selected again.

Game Version: A21 b324

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: SP and Client on Dedi, RWG

Did you validate your files? Yes

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

1) Take Iron Garage Door 3x2 (Powered) from the creative menu.

2) Select a colour.

3) Place the door within landclaim range.

4) Pick it up and observe that you do not get the crafted helper block back but instead a creative menu-only block.

Expected result: I expect it to be ...

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    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Block: Iron Garage Door 3x2 (Powered) // ironGarageDoor_PoweredBlockVariantHelper

Summary: When using the radial menu to pick up one of the placed doors you do not get the VariantHelper block back.

Instead you get the individual door variant back which can not be shape (colour) selected again.

Game Version: A21 b324

OS/Version: Windows

Game mode: SP and Client on Dedi, RWG

Did you validate your files? Yes

Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

1) Take Iron Garage Door 3x2 (Powered) from the creative menu.

2) Select a colour.

3) Place the door within landclaim range.

4) Pick it up and observe that you do not get the crafted helper block back but instead a creative menu-only block.

Expected result: I expect it to be ...

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    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Player-crafted dew collectors return 1 dew collector when destroyed.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Right, the muffler thing. I had kinda forgotten about that one.

Definitely a LOT more streamer-friendly than vanilla.

09 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Added the super corn recipe mod.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Some of it is RNG but mostly on the item drops. Crafting goes up pretty much as planned because with so many rolls it evens out.

For me, I do go out looting whenever I can but ended up crafting a lot of my gear. In A20 I might have crafted 1 or 2 pieces tops.

Crafting is definitely a lot more viable now, especially since you can craft items with 4 mod slots.

Eventually looting will get you the final version of your stuff but... given the 4 mod slots a lot of QL5 gear can now be better than QL6 so even that is not a huge difference any more.

And "eventually" is something in the vicinity of lvl 75-90 so that's gonna be a while.

08 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

I run my own server and I changed anything that I perceived too broken, buggy, messy or bothersome in any way, shape or form.

These are all XML modlets and have a high chance of being compatible with other mods that don't try to change the exact same lines.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Extract the ZIP file so that the contained folder ends up in a spot like

\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Mods\GazzA21MoBetterAwesomeness

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Less violent bird nest destruction.

Looting one no longer sounds like you're taking down a door with a sledgehammer.


... Read more

04 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Handguns vs bows is firepower vs stealth.

Bow vs crossbow is obviously a sidegrade where you choose high mobility vs maximum sneak attack damage. If you really like bows and run&gun often, a bow can actually work well while a crossbow gets your ass bitten.

If you're not the sneaky type then yes, a rifle will beat a crossbow in most cases. But then you should go Perception.

It's rather the magnum/vulture that have no real niche in the game and were added purely for coolness, bloating the attribute even more. =P

01 Jul

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

So DVulture/SMG are T3 ranged, yet they are treated even worse than other T2 ranged.

If they dropped on a T2 loot table it could be reasonable but no, they are actually harder to find than other weapons since Vulture/SMG share the slot when an agility firearm is rolled to drop.

Compound bows do use the T2 quality and loot template so they drop much earlier and at higher quality.

Your preferred weapon already dropped half as likely and now you get shafted on mod slots compared to other T3 ranged.

Who hates the agility attribute so much?

30 Jun

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct


T3 ranged weapons have 3 entirely different setups for mod slots per quality level, even inconsistent inside the same weapon class.

Game Version: A21 b324

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

Status: NEW

Bug Description:

Tier 3 ranged weapons use 3 different setups for mod slots. That can not be intentional.

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct


T3 ranged weapons have 3 entirely different setups for mod slots per quality level, even inconsistent inside the same weapon class.

Game Version: A21 b324

Did you validate your files? Yes

Are you using any mods? No

Status: NEW

Bug Description:

Tier 3 ranged weapons use 3 different setups for mod slots. That can not be intentional.

15 Jun

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The birdnest crash/explosion sound annoyed me a bit so I turned that off.

I can't be arsed to do a "release" for a mod of that size so if you want it, you're welcome to it. =P


13 Dec

    Gazz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Plain containers like a storage box do drop a loot container with their contents on destruction.

Other ModelEntity like generator banks or campfires do not drop a loot container at all.

That can be very frustrating because some of these blocks are easily destroyed by accident and that annihilates all the batteries, solar, panels or forge tools that were in the station at the time.

Making the loot bags drop consistently all across this block class would be greatly appreciated.