almost 4 years
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'A fair trade' to remove something wholesale from one tree and give to the other for nothing in return? Ehhh.
Fortitude indeed is proficient at Gathering foods; But that does not a master chef make. In fact, a person with great fortitude instead would be much better at just surviving off of what he gathers with little additional preparation.
Strength on the other hand, It can take well planned and calculated meals that leverage the benefits of everything going into it to form strong and healthy muscles, and to subsequently maintain them for any length of time. Lots of protein, Lots of nutrients; Meaning you need to compact all of that into an edible quantity of daily food intake...Ergo, You'd likely pick up methods of cooking quite quickly.
It could be argued till we're blue in the face though. Fortitude has plenty going for it, as does strength- moving one perk tot he other is not an equivalent exchange unless the other also moves a perk.
Edit: For further clarification of my point, "Fortitude can gather his food freely, Strength must make the most of the little food he can gather."; Between the two Strength is the one with a decently legitimate reason to be capable of cooking.
Fortitude indeed is proficient at Gathering foods; But that does not a master chef make. In fact, a person with great fortitude instead would be much better at just surviving off of what he gathers with little additional preparation.
Strength on the other hand, It can take well planned and calculated meals that leverage the benefits of everything going into it to form strong and healthy muscles, and to subsequently maintain them for any length of time. Lots of protein, Lots of nutrients; Meaning you need to compact all of that into an edible quantity of daily food intake...Ergo, You'd likely pick up methods of cooking quite quickly.
It could be argued till we're blue in the face though. Fortitude has plenty going for it, as does strength- moving one perk tot he other is not an equivalent exchange unless the other also moves a perk.
Edit: For further clarification of my point, "Fortitude can gather his food freely, Strength must make the most of the little food he can gather."; Between the two Strength is the one with a decently legitimate reason to be capable of cooking.