almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
'A fair trade' to remove something wholesale from one tree and give to the other for nothing in return? Ehhh.

Fortitude indeed is proficient at Gathering foods; But that does not a master chef make. In fact, a person with great fortitude instead would be much better at just surviving off of what he gathers with little additional preparation.

Strength on the other hand, It can take well planned and calculated meals that leverage the benefits of everything going into it to form strong and healthy muscles, and to subsequently maintain them for any length of time. Lots of protein, Lots of nutrients; Meaning you need to compact all of that into an edible quantity of daily food intake...Ergo, You'd likely pick up methods of cooking quite quickly.

It could be argued till we're blue in the face though. Fortitude has plenty going for it, as does strength- moving one perk tot he other is not an equivalent exchange unless the other also moves a perk.

Edit: For further clarification of my point, "Fortitude can gather his food freely, Strength must make the most of the little food he can gather."; Between the two Strength is the one with a decently legitimate reason to be capable of cooking.
almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Macdallan: I want the old learn and improve by doing system back. I don't like this perk garbage.
Not to derail this thread into yet another Old vs New argument, I do feel a need to address this in part: Even at the start when the original skill system with LBD elements in it was implemented, it still required you to spend perk points; Every point gained in LBD would confer some very minor benefits, and every 20 would unlock a rank in the associated perk for you to then buy (EG: Leveling pistols by shooting things a bunch would then unlock a rank of Gunslinger at 20/40/60/80/100.) And even aside from that, all of the skills not directly associated with the LBD skills were themselves perks to buy.

It was perks either way. Just one has a bunch of almost senseless grinding if you want to progress at anything other than a snails pace, And essentially locked you into one set of weapons as by the time you got somewhere with Weapon type A, you were so far in the game that the enemies you were facing could not be fought with your low skilled weapon B; and the other doesn't have the senseless grinding step, instead allowing you to just gain exp from whatever you're doing to gain levels and eventually spend perks where you want them.

Was perks then, is still perks now. Just less LBD grind involved, and more playing the game involved.