almost 4 years
ago -
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Originally posted by reddogloc:Your post history. Including any that were deleted. (Because I can see those)Originally posted by Teresa: Any item with the 3 shapes icon on the upper portion of it, including cobblestone blocks, have access to the shapes menu. Hold down r and choose the shape you want.It wasnt moved, it was deleted. There is a difference. And no explanation was given. Reading your rules and guidelines, no reason it should have been. Your here to Moderate, thats to improve the community not to silence it. Maybe no one cares but review.
As for your previous post, it asked a question about the game, instead of starting a discussion about the game. Hence it was moved from general discussion where you posted it to questions and answers where it belongs.
If you reviewed the rules, you would know that discussing moderation is against the rules.
Just like Necro'ing topics. Like this one was. We locked it, and then moved it to the correct section. (because it was in the wrong section).
This thread will now be closed because of rule violations. Consider this your warning.