4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Your guess as to how it functions is incorrect. Putting skill points into skills raises your chance to find the associated magazines, and to find more of them when you find them, but doesn't lower the chance of finding others.

The Salvage Operations skill raises your chance to find the salvage tools magazines
The Miner 69er skill raises your chance to find the harvesting tools magazines
The Deep Cuts skill raises your chance to find the blades magazines
and so on.

And iirc once you've finished maxing a given crafting skill out (IE, Blades), The bonus chance to find granted by the skill is removed so that you'll find other magazines instead.

How many you've read of a given magazine has to bearing whatsoever on your chances to find that type of magazine or any other magazine; So you can freely read them all.

Edit: edited book to magazine; Magazines and books in game do two different things, Magazines are crafting skill associated, books generally give bonuses to the usage of a given thing.