over 3 years
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Just for the record, The reason you can only really find Blunderbuss' is due to a change in how loot tables work so that the things you find are loosely scaled to your progress in the game- For the most part, You will not find end-game class items at the start of the game. You CAN still find guns, very rarely, in certain places; But it is RARE, not something you can rely on. EG: The classic toilet pistol still exists.
This is the first step in the process; There unfortunately was only ONE early game firearm, The Blunderbuss, And so that's all you'll find. The next step in the process is to add a bunch of other early-game fire arms like pipe rifles and pipe shotguns for the player to find, to round out the early game loot tables. But this step is coming in A20 i believe, and is not here yet.
And of coruse, as the others said, You can grind up your gamestage through gaining levels, Or visit the trader regularly to pick up low tier guns.
This is the first step in the process; There unfortunately was only ONE early game firearm, The Blunderbuss, And so that's all you'll find. The next step in the process is to add a bunch of other early-game fire arms like pipe rifles and pipe shotguns for the player to find, to round out the early game loot tables. But this step is coming in A20 i believe, and is not here yet.
And of coruse, as the others said, You can grind up your gamestage through gaining levels, Or visit the trader regularly to pick up low tier guns.