almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Setting up a dedicated server is pretty basic IF you have the technical knowledge to comprehend it. This is true with setting up pretty much any server. And it really is just as straightforward as downloading the files, configuring the settings, forwarding the ports, and firing it up.

I actually found setting up a Mincecraft server to be more convoluted than setting up a 7 Days server. Though that was Java, not the Win 10 crap.
Oh, looked into a few guides on setting up Realms. It's basically the same as 7 Days. Either use the client for co-op, or set up a server. Difference is that Realms doesn't support any extras like mods or 3rd party managers.
almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by Ruffio:
Originally posted by RnRollie: For a lot of people the "dedicated box" is not the issue; you can run the server on a 10 year old laptop if you want to.
The issue can come from your isp / connection. Most ISPs frown upon running a server from home and say so in your contract. If they suspect you running one, they will throttle your line or charge you more or terminate the service.

Besides that, a lot of people have an async connection, like 100 DL / 20 UP. And that 20 UP is a bottleneck; doesn't matter if you run a dedicated machine or a just be the host on your machine.

But there are plenty game server hosting services around, most of them fairly priced, with a good interface (RPC / Telnet/ CP) and setting up the server is pretty straightforward and there are plenty of guides around.

That said, it is cheaper to rent some "business" server compared to a "game" server.
You tend to get "real metal" assigned i.s.o. a virtual one. And can run a website, forum and other services also. Because you tend to get a better UP/DOWN connection, like 200/200 dedicated or even in the GB range. While most "gaming server" services are a bit stingy in that.

Uh, if you got a 100/20 connection, running a dedicated sever box for 7d wouldn't be a big issue. Unless the line is shared by a lot of people that does a lot of downloading at the same time.

I'm not so sure you would want to run a dedicated server on a 10 year old laptop though. A friend of mine set up a server on a older computer he had, and it had a tendency to crash the game every time large explosions that lead to collapsing buildings etc was involved.

A 15-20 slot server will cost you an average 10$ a month, which isn't that terrible. If you a group of friends sharing that cost, it's next to nothing.

Though let's be perfectly honest here. If you have a 100Mbps download, chances are that you only have 2Mpbs upload, and that isn't enough for hosting.
Minimum for hosting a dedicated server for a couple of friends should be 5Mbps with 10Mbps as preferred. Note that with maximum upload bandwidth the server will use about 10Mbps upload, and if your overall rate is 600/10Mbps, flooding the upload will halt all of the download and cause disconnects.
On average clients connected to the server only use about 256-768Kbps. The strain on the upload connection is when the client is connecting to the server and it is sending/syncing map data.

Also completely agree with the old laptop. Yes a 10 year old Intel PC could host a server just fine. Laptops overheat and underclock under strain, and are not capable of providing a stable experience. AMD desktop/laptop chips prior to Gen 3 just don't cut the mustard. They're fine for single-core gaming, but when it comes to multi-core tasks, they simply are not capable.

Lastly business servers, OVS, AWS, Google cloud, ect. are extremely poor choices for hosting a game server. You will end up paying more for something capable enough, and will often run into issues with the service shutting down because of too many incoming connections. (Actually saw someone recently with one of these have his service shut down because they claimed he was DDoS'ing their network.)
If you're going to rent, go with a known game server host that has good service. BlueFang, PingPerfect, GameServers, Bliphost,,, and NFOServers are a few good ones I am familiar with. Remember that you get what you pay for, and if you go cheap, you'll get cheap. Some that I would strongly advise avoiding are SurvivalServers, Citadel Servers, and Black Box Servers. That is unless you enjoy a laggy server with extremely poor support and abysmal billing support.

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