over 3 years
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It is not a Heli copter; It is a Gyro copter.
The blades on top are NOT under heavy power; They're powered enough to create something akin to a planes wings through rotation; Allowing it to be incredibly light compared to a traditional plane. Lift is achieved through forward momentum causing air flow over the blades like a plane; NOT through rotation of the blades the way a helicopter does.
TL;DR: Stop trying to fly it like a helicopter, And start flying it like the pseudo-plane that it is.
Edit: Just for the record, The Gyro is the same speed/faster than a 4x4, iirc; And doesn't have to drive around things, or up hills the entire way along. It does however need a landing strip to land...Also the 'wonky controls', if you didn't infer from above, Are likely because you're expecting it to fly like a helicopter when it actually flies more like a plane. It's not VTOL.
The blades on top are NOT under heavy power; They're powered enough to create something akin to a planes wings through rotation; Allowing it to be incredibly light compared to a traditional plane. Lift is achieved through forward momentum causing air flow over the blades like a plane; NOT through rotation of the blades the way a helicopter does.
TL;DR: Stop trying to fly it like a helicopter, And start flying it like the pseudo-plane that it is.
Edit: Just for the record, The Gyro is the same speed/faster than a 4x4, iirc; And doesn't have to drive around things, or up hills the entire way along. It does however need a landing strip to land...Also the 'wonky controls', if you didn't infer from above, Are likely because you're expecting it to fly like a helicopter when it actually flies more like a plane. It's not VTOL.