over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
It is not a Heli copter; It is a Gyro copter.

The blades on top are NOT under heavy power; They're powered enough to create something akin to a planes wings through rotation; Allowing it to be incredibly light compared to a traditional plane. Lift is achieved through forward momentum causing air flow over the blades like a plane; NOT through rotation of the blades the way a helicopter does.

TL;DR: Stop trying to fly it like a helicopter, And start flying it like the pseudo-plane that it is.

Edit: Just for the record, The Gyro is the same speed/faster than a 4x4, iirc; And doesn't have to drive around things, or up hills the entire way along. It does however need a landing strip to land...Also the 'wonky controls', if you didn't infer from above, Are likely because you're expecting it to fly like a helicopter when it actually flies more like a plane. It's not VTOL.
over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Talilover:
Originally posted by Shurenai: It is not a Heli copter; It is a Gyro copter.

The blades on top are NOT under heavy power; They're powered enough to create something akin to a planes wings through rotation; Allowing it to be incredibly light compared to a traditional plane. Lift is achieved through forward momentum causing air flow over the blades like a plane; NOT through rotation of the blades the way a helicopter does.

TL;DR: Stop trying to fly it like a helicopter, And start flying it like the pseudo-plane that it is.
okay wise guy, so what about the part of it still being slow and wonky to control? Legit no real reason to use it over a motrorcycle lol
I had edited just before/as you posted this; But I'll add a bit to what I had edited in (Go read the edit above too.)

In addition to the edit above, The gyrocopter is actually the fastest vehicle in the game when holding shift; And is the same as motorcycle and 4x4 when not holding shift. It has the same inventory capacity as the 4x4 as well, iirc. It SEEMS like it's slower, Because you're nowhere near the ground; Relative perception is a killer in that regard. But it is in fact faster. And land vehicles lose speed on hard inclines; yet are capped to the max on declines. So it is actually slower than the listed values on any kind of uneven terrain, which most of the gameworld is, not to mention the delays caused by having to navigate around things like trees/rocks/houses/unclimbable mountains/etc. Gyrocopter can go right over all that and land on the other side.
Here's the stats from the vehicles.xml:


over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Sally:
Originally posted by Talilover: Not sure if it's worth the massive investment of skill points (or ig being incredibly lucky with finding the schematics) or the resource dump but ig that reasoning is fair enough

if you get to level 3 better barter you can find the schematics to make everything for the gyro often enough in the traders for cheap,
you can also buy the chassis and accessories, but they are a bit pricy.

it saves a bunch of points/levels that can be better used elsewhere.
The gyrocopter can be sold whole in the shop as well; It's price commensurately though. AS well, the Fergettin elixer can let you reroll your points.
Originally posted by Talilover: Not sure if it's worth the massive investment of skill points (or ig being incredibly lucky with finding the schematics) or the resource dump but ig that reasoning is fair enough

Thing is, It's not a 'Massive investment of points' unless you're only doing Intelligence for that skill specifically and for nothing else in the tree at all. It's a side investment if you're putting a lot of points into the INT tree in general and primarily for other things. And like most other things in the game, there's more than one avenue towards obtaining it as we've covered.
over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Talilover:
Originally posted by Shurenai: The gyrocopter can be sold whole in the shop as well; It's price commensurately though. AS well, the Fergettin elixer can let you reroll your points.

Thing is, It's not a 'Massive investment of points' unless you're only doing Intelligence for that skill specifically and for nothing else in the tree at all. It's a side investment if you're putting a lot of points into the INT tree in general and primarily for other things. And like most other things in the game, there's more than one avenue towards obtaining it as we've covered.
hey man that was ab conversation so c your way out of it
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over 3 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
As someone who has flown one before, the controls are accurate. (up until you run into a tree, then it's a little arcade-y)

Also, didn't we literally JUST have this discussion already?
Why does the gyrocopter get so much hate?

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