almost 4 years
ago -
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No, and yes, in that order.
No, When lootable containers respawn they do not replace whatever the current contents are- Instead the loot respawn timer freezes at 0 and waits for the container to be emptied before respawning it's contents. Short of a bug, It is impossible for the system to overwrite existing contents.
Yes, You must remain 7-15(Noone is exactly sure how far) blocks away from a container or it will never respawn. Every time you enter that 7-15~ block range of a lootable container, the loot respawn timer will reset to the start. This is why the bird nests on your primary avenue of travel basically never respawn.
I have seen claims that,Supposedly, leaving one item of any kind in the container to trigger the conditions in the first answer above (container wont respawn with items in it) will allow the timer to tick all the way down to 0 regardless of player proximity- Then when you come to loot, you take the item out, and loot the container.
Of note, is that if you try that trick, you must take the items, exit the UI, wait a few moments for it to update to 'untouched', then loot it.
And loot respawns exactly X days from the moment you loot it- If you have loot respawn set to 5 days, and you loot a container on Day 3 at 4:54am, then it will not be lootable again until 4:54am on day 8 (Assuming you didnt get too close during the intervening time)
No, When lootable containers respawn they do not replace whatever the current contents are- Instead the loot respawn timer freezes at 0 and waits for the container to be emptied before respawning it's contents. Short of a bug, It is impossible for the system to overwrite existing contents.
Yes, You must remain 7-15(Noone is exactly sure how far) blocks away from a container or it will never respawn. Every time you enter that 7-15~ block range of a lootable container, the loot respawn timer will reset to the start. This is why the bird nests on your primary avenue of travel basically never respawn.
I have seen claims that,Supposedly, leaving one item of any kind in the container to trigger the conditions in the first answer above (container wont respawn with items in it) will allow the timer to tick all the way down to 0 regardless of player proximity- Then when you come to loot, you take the item out, and loot the container.
Of note, is that if you try that trick, you must take the items, exit the UI, wait a few moments for it to update to 'untouched', then loot it.
And loot respawns exactly X days from the moment you loot it- If you have loot respawn set to 5 days, and you loot a container on Day 3 at 4:54am, then it will not be lootable again until 4:54am on day 8 (Assuming you didnt get too close during the intervening time)