about 3 years ago - Hated - Direct link


We are happy to share Alpha 20 with all of you today.

To participate:

1. right click on the game in steam

2. click on properties

3. click the "betas" tab

4. the drop down menu will have latest_experimental available ← you want THAT

5. select that and wait for the game to download.

We also suggest you clean your old data out before starting a new game:

1) start the game from your library

2) select show game launcher

3) click in the tools tab

4) click on clean game files and check all circles

5) click clean

We hope everyone enjoys it!


With the introduction of the shape menu and other block changes, user's custom POI's will need to be converted before they can be used in A20.

Please follow the simple instructions here to get your buildings updated to work in A20.

For bug report, please go here.

Here are the known issues for A20.

Mac crash workaround for ARM64, please use Rosetta to run the game, until a fix is available.

Here is what changed to the version the streamers were playing:

Changelog b214-b218


gfx be console command

gfx lodbias console command

Chunks add LODGroup to window block entities when spawned

Block entity minimum cull for FPS boost


Fixed an issue that would allow drones and drone mods to be found too early

Increased Medium and decreased Ultra Object Quality


UpdateLightOnAllMaterials running unneeded Update

Clients do not see zombies on fire unless facing them

Mutated Feral and Radiation versions are spawned at the same gamestage as the standard

Molotov and Timed Charge now have proper use anims

Heavy FPS drop in city centers

Exception when trying to bind cursor up/down/right to any action in the controls UI section

Hammer of Sledge Turrets disappears when it touches the screen edge

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