almost 4 years
ago -
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Inventory management matters. It might seem tempting to grab every single thing- But, honestly, you can skip a lot of it; Or more specifically, you can scrap a lot of it down into one resource pile. Most metal items for example will scrap into one thing: Iron. Empty cans, candy tins, car air filters, nails, short iron pipes, and quite a bit more all scrap into Iron- So you can save yourself a lot of inventory slots by learning what you should scrap. Pretty much anything Quality 2 or 1 should be scrapped with impunity- It's not worth carrying to sell. Only keep it to use it, or scrap it.
Also, 120 minute days really is good if you prefer taking things slow- However there are two big caveats. One, is, as you noticed, Night is long. Don't just hunker down though. There's never a time where you have nothing to do. Do some mining, Or sneak around and explore, Or plan for the following day. Or sort your inventory and plan your base layout. The way zombies run at night can be scary, but, they're pretty close to being blind at night; As long as you're quiet and stay out of pools of light, you can sneak around really well at night.
The second is that you will technically be gaining gamestage(The games way of ramping difficulty up as you play)2x as fast in the same period of time. That is to say, over the same 7 days, you will have had time to gain 2x as much gamestage due to having 2x as much time. Ish. This means your base will be need to be better prepared than you would normally have to be on normal day length.
Objectively, Once you get over the fear of doing things at night, and start learning what you can do at night even if you're too afraid to be out and about due to zombies, 120 minute days gives you a LOT more leeway in your progression; The time crunch isn't as harsh and mistakes won't set you back near as much as it would on 60 mins.
Also, 120 minute days really is good if you prefer taking things slow- However there are two big caveats. One, is, as you noticed, Night is long. Don't just hunker down though. There's never a time where you have nothing to do. Do some mining, Or sneak around and explore, Or plan for the following day. Or sort your inventory and plan your base layout. The way zombies run at night can be scary, but, they're pretty close to being blind at night; As long as you're quiet and stay out of pools of light, you can sneak around really well at night.
The second is that you will technically be gaining gamestage(The games way of ramping difficulty up as you play)2x as fast in the same period of time. That is to say, over the same 7 days, you will have had time to gain 2x as much gamestage due to having 2x as much time. Ish. This means your base will be need to be better prepared than you would normally have to be on normal day length.
Objectively, Once you get over the fear of doing things at night, and start learning what you can do at night even if you're too afraid to be out and about due to zombies, 120 minute days gives you a LOT more leeway in your progression; The time crunch isn't as harsh and mistakes won't set you back near as much as it would on 60 mins.