over 3 years
ago -
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Yknow, you say it's gotten consistently easier...but it's the opposite, actually. It's quite a bit harder than it used to be, in most respects.. To the point that with A18 and the addition of the new injury system, they lowered the default difficulty by one step.
Only two things have gotten notably 'easier' over the last number of alphas, imo;
1: Food and water are a bit easier, in general, to acquire and maintain.
2: The temperature system rework, which arguably made it easier to deal with since it can no longer kill you and is easier to understand/manage.
What has changed significantly though, is your skill at the game. Your knowledge of the game. Your understanding of how to deal with the various situations you end up in.
Only two things have gotten notably 'easier' over the last number of alphas, imo;
1: Food and water are a bit easier, in general, to acquire and maintain.
2: The temperature system rework, which arguably made it easier to deal with since it can no longer kill you and is easier to understand/manage.
What has changed significantly though, is your skill at the game. Your knowledge of the game. Your understanding of how to deal with the various situations you end up in.