almost 4 years
ago -
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The game is constantly saving to disk as you play; every step you take, every block you damage or break, every item you pick up, every minute that passes by. That very nature is exactly why a sudden power outage will shatter the save file- There's a reason every game under the sun warns you not to power off the system or close the game while the save icon is present on the screen. Interrupting the save causes save fragmentation/corruption; As now only a part of the changes are written to disk when it needs all of them to have a functioning save.
So, what we don't need is auto-save; It already autosaves, constantly. What it lacks is a working backup system. A big problem there though is that unlike most other games where save files are measured in 50-100kb, or maybe 5-25mb at most, values that can be, practically speaking, instantly saved with little impact on performance, 7dtd saves start at 250+mb and grow from there to in excess of 1gb and more depending on how long you continue playing the same save.
Gamers don't typically mind if they lose kb or a couple mb of space to auto saves- But when you're talking multiple gigs, it's a different story; And that's before discussing the impact on performance as the game backs up such a huge amount of data; It would likely require interrupting play entirely for several seconds each auto-save.
I'm sure a backup system will be properly implemented eventually. But, In the mean time, I'd strongly recommend making manual backups. before each play session at the minimum....Or getting an unterruptible power supply so that you don't suddenly lose power without being able to log out and close your computer down safely; since this is pretty much the exact use case for it. :)
So, what we don't need is auto-save; It already autosaves, constantly. What it lacks is a working backup system. A big problem there though is that unlike most other games where save files are measured in 50-100kb, or maybe 5-25mb at most, values that can be, practically speaking, instantly saved with little impact on performance, 7dtd saves start at 250+mb and grow from there to in excess of 1gb and more depending on how long you continue playing the same save.
Gamers don't typically mind if they lose kb or a couple mb of space to auto saves- But when you're talking multiple gigs, it's a different story; And that's before discussing the impact on performance as the game backs up such a huge amount of data; It would likely require interrupting play entirely for several seconds each auto-save.
I'm sure a backup system will be properly implemented eventually. But, In the mean time, I'd strongly recommend making manual backups. before each play session at the minimum....Or getting an unterruptible power supply so that you don't suddenly lose power without being able to log out and close your computer down safely; since this is pretty much the exact use case for it. :)