about 3 years
ago -
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Alpha 20 B233 Experimental is out!
Here is how you can access the A20 Experimental build:
Official Forum Post Bug Reporting Thread[community.7daystodie.com]
A20 b232 & b233 changelog
Here is how you can access the A20 Experimental build:
- Right click on the game in steam
- Click on properties
- Click the “betas” tab
- The drop down menu will have latest_experimental available <— you want THAT
- Select that and wait for the game to download
Official Forum Post Bug Reporting Thread[community.7daystodie.com]
A20 b232 & b233 changelog
- Coffin/Casket open & close sounds.
- Clamped item stack counts to 65535 when saved
- "DecorateChunkOverlapping biome null" warning to show chunk
- Improved path node penalty clamp and added log
- Updated metal hit metal and metal destroy sounds
- Dynamic mesh default to land claim only
- Several pipe weapons have random stats. No primitive items should have any.
- animalZombieDog sticky projectiles offset from model
- Block preview displays wrong rotation for cupboards
- Fixed missing texture in house_modern_05
- Explosions still destroy water and drop the block
- Damaging volume enemy from outside a sleeper attack volume did not wake the volume
- Sticky Crossbow Bolts are floating
- Sticky Arrows are penetrating too far through zombies