about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
The 'solid plywood' is subjective, It's still just a classic frame block. And if you really want the good ol wood frame nerd pole feel, well...The wooden frame of old is available as a shape to build with :P

And no, No more inventory slots. Part of the game is to pick and choose what you bring with you or back from your ventures- Or what to scrap to make space, or what to discard for that valuable item. You're not meant to have a billion disparate items in your inventory. :)
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by pApA^LeGBa: That block is a HUGE immersionbreaker. I mean yeah nerdpoling itself is unrealistic itself. But that white glowing thing is ugly and looks like a helper block tbh.
I mean....it literally is a helper block, though. It's a shape helper.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Jo_Rocker:
Originally posted by pApA^LeGBa: That block is a HUGE immersionbreaker. I mean yeah nerdpoling itself is unrealistic itself. But that white glowing thing is ugly and looks like a helper block tbh.
My thoughts exactly. I thought it was a bug when I first saw that white glowing block in the hotbar next to the old lookin second hand 7 Days tools & weapons, we're accustomed to. That white glowing block ruins the visuals sticking out like a sore thumb. Why not make the block look a bit more worn and gritty at least, to fit the theme of 7 Days To Die?
I would personally wager the texture isn't final because they're not wholy decided on what the wood 'frame' blocks should be textured as yet. They may have just used plywood as a placeholder texture. But they may just be waiting for feedback like this post on whether they should even bother texturing it.

It might also be a ram/vram saving tactic- A white plane is a lot easier to render than a detailed textured block- And when you're in that shape menu, rendering that texture 2500+ times, one for every single shape could get heavy fast.
about 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by Jo_Rocker:
Originally posted by magnetmannen: the large inventory mod is my most used mod, i do not play on servers that have "normal" inventory size. why the "devs" have not added this as a server option??? is a mystery.
would be pretty easy to add a "Bagsize small-medium-large." but i guess they have ideas, and to oppose the idea they have is bad.
I understand the micromanagment struggle of the game and I've been playing since Alpha 14 and enjoy spending 90% of my time scrapping ..... but they keep adding more items with every new alpha without adding more slots or increasing stack sizes. Add a weight limit to the hotbar/tool belt? Durability on the backpack? If they wanna go hardcore realism.
Both things they considered, actually- Originally it was the idea to give the player a small backpack or even no backpack- And you'd upgrade and gain slots over time from 0, to 6, to 12 and so on, as an example. A weight system was also considered.

But ultimately they decided that it would become far, FAR too tedious, annoying, and frustrating with one the other or both. so they settled on the player having access to a full sized backpack, and on having an Encumbrance system for 'slots filled' rather than a weight system.

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