over 3 years
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Games take a long time to develop 5-6 years is the industry average set by monolithic giants like EA, Blizzard, Ubisoft, Etc. TFP by contrast started as a fairly small development team, and even now is only up to maybe 25-50 people.
Alpha takes, on average, 90~% of the development time. If Alpha is 8 years, Beta is maybe 6-8 months.
And 7DTD began it's early access period with the literal first working version of the game that even the developers had access to; Alpha 1, Build 1. Most other companies wont even let you hear of their game until it's within a year, maybe two of completion; And the ones that do early access tend to do so with a very late-alpha stage version of the game after most of the work is done; If not in the beta stages of development.
Combine these things, And you've got a game a long time in early access.
There's a lot more to it, of course; But this covers some of the main points.
Alpha takes, on average, 90~% of the development time. If Alpha is 8 years, Beta is maybe 6-8 months.
And 7DTD began it's early access period with the literal first working version of the game that even the developers had access to; Alpha 1, Build 1. Most other companies wont even let you hear of their game until it's within a year, maybe two of completion; And the ones that do early access tend to do so with a very late-alpha stage version of the game after most of the work is done; If not in the beta stages of development.
Combine these things, And you've got a game a long time in early access.
There's a lot more to it, of course; But this covers some of the main points.