4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
What you're experiencing isn't a bug to be fixed, specifically; It's the game having difficulty/impossibility loading the world around you. It loads the 100~m area around you on load in from the menu, and then fails to load further as you travel.


Follow this, except for deleting your saves/worlds. It should hopefully help.

Also depending on what your harddrive and it's speed is, and your ram and it's speed is, you may have issues loading on that front too.. A spinning platter hard drive would have a rough time with this game as it requires a lot of harddrive use; SSD is recommended, M2 is ideal. Same for RAM; If you've got 1000mhz DDR3 or something comparatively awful, You're gonna have a bad time. A weak CPU could potentially cause this issue too if it's having trouble keeping up on it's tasks it may never be reaching the 'load the world' tasks.

Also, you May need to start a new save w/ a new world after the client refresh; But check if your current one is usable after the refresh first just in case.