about 3 years
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Looks bad based on what exactly? Do you have access to the current unstable version?
Originally posted by SkepticJoker:Then you should be aware of how streaming takes extra CPU and GPU resources, and can reduce client performance. You also aren't aware of what other software they may be running in the background that could be interfering.Originally posted by SylenThunder: Looks bad based on what exactly? Do you have access to the current unstable version?It's the streamer weekend. I watched a stream. I know the streamers hardware, and the streamer showed ultra settings and medium settings.
Originally posted by Philco7a: Going to High Definition zombies and graphics..I only have a GTX 980 and may not be able to play the new version from the looks of thingsTests on my 1060 system haven't shown any notable decreases in performance. Pretty sure your 980 will perform better than my entry-level card.