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The current stable is always to opt out of all betas. The betas tab only lists old and experimental versions.
Originally posted by silicon.penguin67: Okay, disabled betas, and it downloaded an update... Maybe this will have worked. Thank you. Weird how I have to disable "Betas" to upgrade to a new "Alpha", but that's a discussion for another day.The beta's tab in 7DTD is used a bit differently due to it's alpha nature. It hosts the final version of most of the prior alphas (A8-A18), plus the different minor releases of the Current alpha (A19.0, A19.1, A19.2, A19.3), and, when applicable, the experimental version of the next version; In this case the next experimental will either be for A19.5 if they're doing a 19.5, Or it'll be for A20.0.
Originally posted by silicon.penguin67: TY all, that worked. As a side note: I think at this point, TFP see the "Alpha" label as somewhat a tongue in cheek joke. After selling the game for 8 years, with millions of copies sold, it isn't an "Alpha" product anymore. I think, realistically, that the upcoming "Alpha 20" version will be more of a 2.0, or 3.0 product. I foresee The Fun Pimps carrying on with the "Alpha" moniker until they stop developing the game some time between 2030-2040...The alpha stage of any program or game continues until all planned features are implemented- TFP have had a working list from the start of all the intended features. Until all intended features are included/implemented into the game, the game will factually be in an Alpha state.