over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by vgifford: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves

Is where 7DTD save files are located. Yes, you would need the files from the old hard drive copied onto the new one in the proper location.
Make sure to grab the world files too, if your save wasn't on Navezgane or one of the Pregen maps.
over 3 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by vgifford: Shurenai, so you are saying copy all contents of this location?

Essentially, yes. You can skip launchersettings.json and UserOptions.ini, And if you're a user that never does multiplayer, 'SavesLocal' won't have anything valuable in it.

But your save from 'Saves' is worthless without the associated world files from 'GeneratedWorlds'; If your save is on Navezgane, Pregen01, Pregen02, or Pregen03, you're fine since those worlds are shipped and stored with the game itself.

But any save relying on another world like, for example, 'North Dagepi Valley' would be unusable without that world file. You need the RWG files to use that save.

That's actually a large part of why Cloud saves aren't a thing in 7DTD; You need the World files AND the save file, And bare minimum for an 8k RWG world for a freshly generated world and brand new save is 1gb+ of space, More than the cloud can store for an individual user. Even then, the save file itself over the course of play can potentially reach 1gb+ on it's own depending on how long you play and how extensively you modify the world.

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