over 3 years
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Are you comparing the Q6 item against your modded out Q5? Or are you comparing them both modded out and/or both unmodded?
'Cause mods make a huge difference. Every mod is a 15% bonus to the main stat (typically damage or block damage) in addition to it's other effects.
So, a Q5 item has 3 mod slots and, for example, 50 damage.
And a Q6 with 4 mod slots and 48 damage..
But when modded out, the Q5 has 72.5 damage, while the Q6 has 76.8. In addition to the extra bonus stats from the additional mod, the Q6 ends up actually having the superior stats once it's modded out.
'Cause mods make a huge difference. Every mod is a 15% bonus to the main stat (typically damage or block damage) in addition to it's other effects.
So, a Q5 item has 3 mod slots and, for example, 50 damage.
And a Q6 with 4 mod slots and 48 damage..
But when modded out, the Q5 has 72.5 damage, while the Q6 has 76.8. In addition to the extra bonus stats from the additional mod, the Q6 ends up actually having the superior stats once it's modded out.