almost 4 years
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In fairness, It's likely that the 'it's never updated' stuff that the OP has heard is in reference to the Console port, which hasn't seen an update in years. However, that's due to the publisher of the port, Telltale games i think it was(?), going under. The Fun Pimps had to fight quite a bit to get the rights back, and don't plan on updating the console port until the game has reached a full release state as that will be much more tenable than attempting to manage two versions of the game on different platforms at the same time.
The main version of the game, the PC version, has not seen a lapse in development at all..The mildly lengthy time between patches is due to there having been a community poll for fast and frequent updates with little content, or slower less frequent updates that made significant changes. The community chose the latter by a landslide.
The main version of the game, the PC version, has not seen a lapse in development at all..The mildly lengthy time between patches is due to there having been a community poll for fast and frequent updates with little content, or slower less frequent updates that made significant changes. The community chose the latter by a landslide.