over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
My condolences on losing your stuff. However… this is not a bug. This is the intended behavior.

You want a warning? Sure, sounds reasonable. But what are the circumstances when the warning should appear? Without a land claim or bedroll placed, the game has no good way to judge whether this is ‘your base’, or just a POI where you placed a couple wood frames and left some plant fibers in a cabinet.

You figured it was no big deal but, like Dthblayde, I have to wonder what you expected would happen. I don’t say this to victim blame. If players intuit that the outcome of starting that quest is something other than what does happen, I want to understand that.
over 3 years ago - Crater Creator - Direct link
Originally posted by Crashtian: You think you're suppose to use POI's to survive? that's not how the devs WANT you to play. gosh. You think this is a sandbox game?

Oh come now. If the devs really didn’t want you to use POIs, then they wouldn’t have programmed land claims and bedrolls to suppress quests. They had to go out of their way to add that functionality.

Originally posted by Crashtian: It's not a bug it's poor game design.

So what’s a better design then? Serious question. I think a lot of players don’t appreciate that ‘my base’ is a hard to define concept in a sandbox game.

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