over 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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My condolences on losing your stuff. However… this is not a bug. This is the intended behavior.
You want a warning? Sure, sounds reasonable. But what are the circumstances when the warning should appear? Without a land claim or bedroll placed, the game has no good way to judge whether this is ‘your base’, or just a POI where you placed a couple wood frames and left some plant fibers in a cabinet.
You figured it was no big deal but, like Dthblayde, I have to wonder what you expected would happen. I don’t say this to victim blame. If players intuit that the outcome of starting that quest is something other than what does happen, I want to understand that.
You want a warning? Sure, sounds reasonable. But what are the circumstances when the warning should appear? Without a land claim or bedroll placed, the game has no good way to judge whether this is ‘your base’, or just a POI where you placed a couple wood frames and left some plant fibers in a cabinet.
You figured it was no big deal but, like Dthblayde, I have to wonder what you expected would happen. I don’t say this to victim blame. If players intuit that the outcome of starting that quest is something other than what does happen, I want to understand that.