4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
First, Thread locked for:
1. Discussion of Moderation Actions
Publicly visible responses to or discussion of forum moderation.
Instead, send a private message directly to the moderator(s). On Steam, you may use the comment section that’s provided with every warning and ban.

When we delete threads, We issue warnings, bans, or more rarely PMs when doing so. Whether we choose a PM, a warning, or a ban, or even simply delete, Each of these actions issues the user a notification about it. That notification is an automatic process that we as forum moderators have no control over- The user will receive a notification unless the automatic steam process itself flubs up, which we would have no knowledge of if it did, nor could we do anything about it if we did.

When we Lock threads, however, the user receives no notification. However; When a thread is locked, the thread remains visible on the forum for all to see that it has been locked. As such, We do leave messages notifying why it was locked.

Another potential action we may take as moderators, is to Move or to Merge a thread. When we Moveor Merge a thread, the owner of the thread will receive a notification; Again, automatic. That notification will say, closely paraphrased "This topic was Moved or Deleted". We do not have any control over that phrasing; Again, It's Steam's decision to have it phrased the way it is. But we do think it's stupid because most users completely glaze over the word 'Moved' and automatically assume 'Deleted', and a larger number than zero of those users then create a thread like this complaining that their post was deleted for no reason. And yes, Both moving and merging send the exact same notification. :conwayshrug:

We don't just delete things for no reason. We delete it when it breaks rules, Or as part of a cleanup when deleting a post that broke rules.

We also don't lock for no reason; We generally lock it when it breaks rules, Or when a thread has gotten so out of hand that more gentle correction of deleting problematic posts within the thread isn't stopping people from insulting and fighting with eachother; Or when it's a very old topic that was grave-dug from the nethers of the forum that is full of information that is outdated to the current game, to prevent confusion- That kind of stuff. And we cite why.

Your friend's post was most likely merged into a similar thread, and they may have just not noticed the notification, or perhaps Steam derped. Iuno. If their post was was about outfits, it's probably in the thread regarding clothing/outfits titled "Pants not included" that discusses the coming armor/outfit system.

Without knowing who exactly your friend was, I can't track down their post; But you could skim the thread above for posts that have

blue header text like this at the top These are, typically, the top post of a merged thread, though users do sometimes use it for emphasis. Here's a few examples, one might even be your friend's.
These are the two threads that were merged into that "Pants not included" thread:

Lastly, I'd like to acquaint you with your Post History; When you are viewing the forum and at the top of the page, Look to the right hand side under the 'Subscribe to discussion" button; You'll see a little box that says "Your Forum Account" with some text that says "Post History". This lets you view your post history to find where your post may have been moved to in the event that you can't find it where you left it, such as when it gets moved/merged. Post history will always show you your still-existing posts even if they're in a different location. Acquaint your friend with their post history, as it's pretty likely that their post just got moved/merged to a different location and they can find out where from there.

I'll also PM you in a moment to ask for your friend's name; I can see about tracking down their post for you if you wish.
4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Just noting for posterity that the missing post has been found; It was the first post that I used as an example of a thread that had been merged into another thread, the one by Aworie.

This one here: