over 3 years
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That's how it used to be. In the past the world was generated on the fly as you explored. Problem was that it had a really huge impact on performance. So with a17, it was changed to the way it is now.
And lets be clear here. This is a game still being developed. The current generation process is a work in progress, and is currently incomplete and not well optimized. The plan is for it to take about 1 minute per 1k² on min spec hardware. So an 8k map will take about 8 minutes to create on a low-end system.
Currently it's about 20 minutes on recommended spec systems, and around an hour on min spec.
And lets be clear here. This is a game still being developed. The current generation process is a work in progress, and is currently incomplete and not well optimized. The plan is for it to take about 1 minute per 1k² on min spec hardware. So an 8k map will take about 8 minutes to create on a low-end system.
Currently it's about 20 minutes on recommended spec systems, and around an hour on min spec.