4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by God Bless The Dead: The stamina in 7 days is pretty bad tbh, I'm guessing our player character were heavy smokers before the apocalyptic. that's why we can only run about the length of 3 houses before passing out.
Sprint, Not run. There is a difference. Your character is always jogging/running, the casual speed you likely think of as a walk in game is a actually a jogging/running pace. The normal walking speed of an adult is in the ballpark of 1-1.5~meters per second. In game, one second is around 3.2~ meters of travel, ish.

RE: the length of three houses, At level 1 the basic 100 stamina bar lets you Sprint 145 meters over the course of about 22.5 seconds, a speed of around 6.4~m/s, Double the speed of the basic run/jog.

Now, lets talk a bit more about reality.

Even olympians can't Sprint full tilt for more than 10-12 seconds. The average joe is closer to 5-6. That the character in game can sprint, at the start, for 22.5 seconds clean, Is already beyond the realm of human physiology. Even Usain Bolt can't flat out sprint for that long.

It's a matter of available resources and supply rate. You only have so much ready prepped ATP in your muscles, and once that's burned off you can only operate at the rate your body can produce more. Which means after that first 10-12 seconds, at absolute peak human efficiency, you slow down considerably.

Further, It takes about 5 minutes for an olympian to fully recover their ATP after exhausting it. In game it takes about 3.5-4 ingame minutes on default settings; From your perspective, It's about 10 seconds. Again, Beyond human limits.

Further still, You can do that even with a backpack loaded with untold weight, and a hotbar full of equipment and it makes no difference in how long or far you can sprint.

What DOES make a difference in how long/far you can sprint, however, is armor. If you're wearing light or heavy armor, You're slowed down and your stamina recovery rate is reduced. So you'll naturally not be able to sprint as far or long; But even then, If Usain Bolt tried to sprint in 80 pounds of steel, I imagine he'd have a hard time of it too.

And THEN we get to the rest of it;
  • Your stamina meter gets larger as you gain levels
  • You can buy the skill Rule 1: Cardio to increase your stamina regen by 10/20/30% letting you sprint for days
  • You can drink magic tea or other drinks that further increase your stamina efficiency
  • You can currently in A21 find High Performance Running Shoes that increase your stamina regen while sprinting by a further 20%
  • And a varsity jacket that increases your speed by 10% letting you travel further with the same stamina,
  • Armor mods that allow you to go nearlyfull speed and with next to no stamina penalty even in heavy armor
  • Coffee that further boosts your stamina regen
  • And likely more I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.

The player character in 7 days to die is already a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ freak of nature that can sprint for nearly 1/10th of a mile at the start of the game and carry on running at a decent pace while recovering their stamina for about 4 minutes before doing it again.

The world record for a mile is 4:28 in controlled conditions on a track specifically designed for it , The player character can run a mile in about 4 minutes and 20 seconds with a half million pounds in their rucksack on any surface that could be termed 'Flat'.

And then you add in all the other stuff, and they can sprint essentially forever; Just rule 1 cardio alone is enough to reduce your stamina consumption vs recovery rate to around 1 stamina consumed per second, ish, letting you sprint for 108 seconds at the lowest level possible to max R1: cardio, which is level 8 (4 points from the tutorial questline, 7 from levels)

And you can do all that, stop and dig up a a cubic meter of soil in like 15 seconds (takes a real human as much as eight hours w/ a shovel depending on the conditions), and keep going.

Stop to beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of a dozen zombies along the way and keep going

And more.

In short,

The character never sleeps, Can run forever, Can sprint on and off all day or even potentially sprint forever, Can dig mine and chop material almost as fast as a CAT excavator, and also functions as the trucks needed to haul the excavated material to it's intended destination, fight zombies the whole time, and then stop for a minute, and be ready to do it all again.

The player character is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TERRIFYING and you have literally no idea; sitting here thinking of them as heavy smokers gasping for breath and passing out. :conwayshrug: