almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by !C4ught/M3^withMYN4D30ut:
Originally posted by -=O=-^Fightinc*ck: as if eating rotten roadkill wasn't bad enough... or eating rotten zombie dog / bear meat...

Although please remember... in all reality if things really fall apart.... in the big cities... pet cats and dogs will be on the menu within a week to 10 days.... eating humans about a month to 6 weeks later if not sooner.
Tis sad.... but true. =/
You live in a city don't you, it would take a really long time just to get the frozen food in the world eaten you could breed tons of chickens in no time, no it will never happen.
You're making the mistake of assuming all the frozen food in the world will be at your disposal.

Just think of what happened at the start of all this covid nonsense- Stores were bought out of soooooo many things. Tissues, hand sanitizer, many frozen and non-perishable foods, and much more. All it took was less than a month after an outbreak in a given city/state for a bunch of crazies to demolish the immediately available supplies.

Now, add onto this that the zombie outbreak is world wide- There's noone making deliveries of frozen stock from warehouses.

Add onto this that the power is intermittently out. Noone is maintaining the electrical grid, noone is manning the power stations, noone is tending the power plants. Refrigeration in many areas will fail, and much stock will go to waste.

Add on that the events of 7DTD take place after, at minimum, a year; And quite possibly more like 5-10+ from the start of the outbreak. Supplies have been demolished by doomsday preppers, a great deal of frozen food has gone to waste because of mass power outages, There is little to no new food coming into the system... Attempting to hoard food gets you targeted by bandit groups like the Duke of Navezgane who are the ones in power because they have the most manpower and weapons. Growing your own food also, ostensibly, gets you targeted by anyone who does not have food or wants your food.

The situation can be a lot, LOT worse than you might ever realize. Yeah, In a perfect world when deliveries keep coming and people eat food sparingly and everyone works together, and the power functions properly, the food we've got could last quite a while. But this ain't a perfect world, far from it.

I'd recommend checking out a movie by the name of 'The Platform', As it pretty much sums a large part of humanity in an apocalyptic crisis up pretty well. In summary, the majority of the movie revolves around how the first to the platform get all the food; And by the time it descends even a few floors, the people below are left picking bits of meat off bones. Those even further down don't even get that and resort to cannibalism to survive...all because those first few to the table are greedy and won't control themselves.