almost 4 years
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Purely subjective to your needs. Red Mesa is personally one of my more favorite places to set up as it starts with concrete walls.
Ultimately, Your walls will hold so long as you maintain them. And this is where you might want to be a bit more choosey.
Early game, it's difficult to get ahold of concrete. Prior to getting access to a concrete mixer, getting enough concrete to maintain and upgrade a concrete wall or building is a pain. So you may want to instead find a wooden or brick building that you can maintain and upgrade with cobblestone rocks into cobblestone blocks.
Ultimately, Your walls will hold so long as you maintain them. And this is where you might want to be a bit more choosey.
Early game, it's difficult to get ahold of concrete. Prior to getting access to a concrete mixer, getting enough concrete to maintain and upgrade a concrete wall or building is a pain. So you may want to instead find a wooden or brick building that you can maintain and upgrade with cobblestone rocks into cobblestone blocks.