4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
If you dont want to start new after the update, just wait. It'll be a month or so, ish. Maybe a little less.. Keep an eye out for the 1.0/A22 Streamer Weekend event announcement; The public experimental will be released on the monday that follows that event.
4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by ShadedMJ: Question generally aimed at Shurenai : Even after 1.0, are there going to be changes after that requiring a new save? I know other games that go 1.0 but then still have updates like they did prior to 1.0.
1.0 itself Will require a restart. However It's my understanding that the tentative plan/hope seems to be that post 1.0, updates will be compatible and will not Require a restart; But will likely still encourage a restart anyway because that is, in general, best practice. We'll see how it pans out though, something may still necessitate a restart post 1.0.