3 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Originally posted by me hoy minoy:
Originally posted by SuperMeatBag: https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3821922393610927549/
Ya I've been pretty patient I've waited a decade.
There needs to be limits
The whole purpose of Early Access was for there to be no limit.

The whole point is to give devs an avenue that ISNT under a publisher that will whip them and ride them so hard that they have to cut off the arms and legs of their baby(Mechanics, cut content, removed features) so that it can be finished in some arbitrary timeframe(ie, 4 years).

Literally, It's designed so that even a single dev who wants to get their game out there and work on it in their spare time even if it takes then 30 years to complete it can do so.

And yes, I get it, Waiting 10, or 15, or 20 years SUCKS as a consumer. But that is literally the purpose of Early Access. It tells you as much. It warns you as much- You are directly informed, in several different capacities, to only buy the game if you like it for what it is NOW at the time of purchase; And to NOT buy it for what you Hope it could be, or Think it could be, or Wish it could be when it's complete.

Early Access is made, largely, for the Developers- Not for the consumer. Consumers benefit in that they may buy these games long before they would be finished, Or get to see the vision of what-could-have-been in cases where the developer has to give up working on the title.... But it's not made FOR consumers. It's made for developers, and all the protections, the lack of a time crunch, the availability even to even 1 man development teams...

It's designed primarily for the Developer to get their ideas and games out there... And consumers are expected to make purchases wisely with the understanding that the game may well never even receive another patch after that purchase; It may not ever even be finished. And that's something you agreed to accept when you bought an Early Access Game.

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