


    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Correct. The current roadmap for biome progression, bandits and story are normal free updates to the game. I saw someone on Steam shouting that it was all paid DLC. Clearly they could not read.

Any feature we release should be seen in an experimental beforehand. I believe I said before that I was not doing it for 1.0. I have had way too many other things to deal with. Possibly for a 1.5 or 2.0 version.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

b333 was experimental and since it tested fine, was switched to stable. As far as I recall, every stable update we have done in many years is preceded by experimental versions, which once we are done and the final one tests fine, it then turns into the new stable.

Testing experimentals tells us that those exact builds, for all 3 platforms, each with client/dedi versions, tested well for a variety of people.

25 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The brightness change had nothing to do with streamers. As you said, streamers could already turn up the brightness. It was changed because it was thought to be a more practical play experience. I actually like it dark and have thought we could have day and night brightness settings, but we shall see where the team opinions lands after more testing and feedback.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There was a change in the throw code to a line that compares if the item value was the same reference, which was changed to Equals. That compares all the values of an item, which did not match after lit, so it would cancel the throw as soon as you clicked. I changed it to a type compare to fix. That is old code and it may not even be needed anymore, but removing could cause some other bug. Fixing bugs can be dangerous as you often make new ones, which happened several times this week.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

All these sounds are played as Unity Audio Sources. They have a curve for falloff with distance. Footsteps were just adjusted recently. This is footsteps, which has 0 volume at 20m.

24 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is no concept of a floor. It is just a lot of blocks. You have to scan blocks/colliders to know what is in the way. Then you have to figure out what things you hit and what they should do to the sound. You have to do that on every sound call, which is a lot.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Audio occlusion is not simple. We have old code from before my time at TFP that looks like they tried it and it was disabled. Maybe someday if we run out of other stuff to add, but it would probably be a performance hit.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The discount goes through Microsoft's and Sony's stores. I can't see them wanting to give discounts for anything bought from a competitor or having any reasonable way to know you bought it from someone else.

23 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Spawning yes, the loot bag no, which was from them extending from the dire wolf and getting their health too. That is fixed.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I can't, because I don't know, because there are many decisions still to be made.

22 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It was fixed in my testing.

Each forge had a burning light and a crafting light. I merged them into one light and with a reduced radius, which improved performance of each forge. I also reduced smoke particles by 25%, which also improved performance. This rendered with less than half the FPS drop on my 3070 TI.

You can also try lowering the graphics Particles setting which will scale down the amount of smoke particles.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We test changes, but with limited time, there is limited testing. This is why we tell people it is experimental and to expect a variety of issues. I am surprised the save games actually made it this far being still playable.

It may seem like a lot of players playing experimentals, but actually a large majority of players do not play experimentals.

21 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

1 No plans, but it could change.

2 They could use them, but not happening for 1.0.

20 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I never said we planned allied NPCs. Apart from bandits, we have no specifics on what other NPCs may or may not be added to the game.

Are you using mods? Inventory data was changed to track each slots lock status, so mods may be breaking that.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It tries to spawn 4 traders per biome, but they only spawn in gateways and gateways are random on sides of cities, and there is a minimum distance check between traders, so success in somewhat random.

It is an occlusion issue and is on my list with dozens of other things.

No code changes were made that should effect infestations.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Stable is first an experimental release, so one of these experimentals will become stable.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Because there were issues with the builds earlier and it takes as long as it takes.

19 Jul

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Regardless of story, we may be moving toward biomes being even more distinct from each other, but the design is not yet done. It will continue to change.

That is old stuff I have never seen. Probably predates me working on the game.

There was a bug where the count could be 0, which was fixed in V1.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I did not want worse performance, so they operate under similar rules to sleepers and it was a quick feature, so I did not spend much time on it.

The zombies would need space to wander and they don't break blocks in that mode, so they can't make space.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't work on the server browser. I think we use Epic Online Services for the list and I recall it has limits on filters and the data it returns. When our console devs continue work on cross play, the functionality may change.

The story should work on random maps unless we find a technical reason to only do Nav.