

06 Jan

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Why don't you just do if (entity) in your code? It would be false when the entity is destroyed. That would make your code compatible with our code.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

But if you check a reference to a Unity object with if (Object) it will use the bool overload to return true/false correctly or use if (Object == null) or != that also works. We do not use if (Object is null) and do not have issues as all our compares are consistent.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Destroyed objects in Unity become effectively null if not actually null all the time. This is standard behavior.
What actual bug are you seeing?

13 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I already said the reason: "Every Unity camera has a good amount of main thread overhead"

Cameras do a lot of work to determine what to draw and then draw it. One camera vs two, means less setup costs.

The weapon camera drew your hands and items in your hands. It was probably setup that way to stop hands and items clipping through walls.

The UI is also another camera.

12 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The removal of the weapon camera made a big difference for those of us who gave me feedback. I went from 100 FPS to 120 FPS in Unity in a specific test case. Console definitely saw a boost. Every Unity camera has a good amount of main thread overhead, but if it benefits you would come down to where your bottlenecks are. Some of the other optimizations I have been doing are for FPS spilkes, like entities spawning, which do not change your average FPS.

11 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Convex mesh would not cause that, but failed creating window group would break the UI. Check for missing or corrupt files. Remove any mods.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Check your log for errors.

10 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

You pick None under Betas and it will download the latest stable (1.2 b27), which is also the last experimental.
If not, then Steam had just not made it available yet in your region. Different people seem to get it at different times.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Regular cities spawn in desert and snow biomes.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

So you will install a mod to change lighting, but you won't move a slider from 50% down to 25%?

I played at 25% this weekend and it was great. I had to actually use torches in a basement to see (new game).

Light effects how far they can see you, so there is a big detection difference from light to dark.

Well, bug fix patches are not supposed to take long as crossplay had already passed. PS5 approval took minutes. Maybe MS is backlogged and they don't give us times.

Hold stuff and people complain. Release it partially and people complain. Lose lose. Our mistake, we should have held it a day.

No changes that I can recall.

Holding a light greatly decreases stealth.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are not doing any analytics/telemetry currently. We do have crash/error reports now, but that is (edit:) NOT the same.

09 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is not just people on the forum. Many TFP employees would like it darker, myself included.
Ambient light and moon light brightness reduction only happens at a Brightness setting below 50% and 50% is the default, so it is not changing the defaults.

Helmet lamp was a sensible balance adjustment, because the range was way too long and longer ranges lead to worse performance and I actually increased the brightness a bit to compensate for the reduced range as brightness decreases with distance.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think that our description is wrong as we already had FSR 3.1. We updated the wrapper library, so 3.1 to 3.1. The fixes we made were for how our code was using it which caused some blurring.

08 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

The 64 setting is still there, but the game was already clamping that number with multiple players. Now what the game does with that number is more aggressive. I just played two BMs with two other players with it at 64 and the reduced number of zombies was not missed. We had plenty to kill.

This stuff is not locked in stone. As hardware changes or other optimizations happen, it can be changed.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

We all work out of a shared code base (trunk) and code has console checks if a feature needs to be enabled or work differently on console. That code base is used to make daily PC/Mac/Linux builds. Titanium also makes console builds of that as needed. Testers can grab those PC/Mac/Linux or console builds whenever they want to update and test. Currently we also merge trunk code changes to a V1 branch for experimental and stable releases as many changes to trunk are only for 2.0.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

I don't know as I don't deal with that, but it should just be a one time thing, unless major new content gets added.

07 Dec

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

It says "weather system and biome progression overhaul".

The people doing the work are overhauling it. Now what you guess that to mean and what we are actually doing could be completely different. I would describe it more as progression, but sure it is weather in the sense that you get hot in the desert and freeze in the snow, both causing you to start dying. You cough from smoke in the burnt forest and soak up radiation in the wasteland also leading to death. That is cosmetics to me, because overcoming those problems is the challenge and is progression.

Remember we are a team of dozens of people, with lots of opinions, so ideas often get shot down or changed as we go. Bandits are a good example, as I have a well formed idea in my head of how they will be, but once the teams starts play testing them, that will change and my opinions will change. I may not even like some of those changes, but it is a team effort and I do my job.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bloodmoon parties (which is now players within 80m of any other player added to the party) now cap the amount of enemies spawned at one time to 30 (subject to change) to improve FPS. An 8 player group with the default setting of 8 per player, would have gotten 64 active enemies. To compensate for less enemies, the game stage increases based on the ratio. The game has global enemy caps and game stage maxAlive caps, but this helps with the specific case of FPS tanking during blood moons for a BM party.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

Titanium primarily works on console and doing technical improvements. Occasionally a redesign, like the controller revamp, will be done by one of them.

It means when the TV is on, it plays the sound. Yes, some of our descriptions could be better.

Animal spawns may need to be balanced downward due to my fix with biome spawn timers getting broken, which happened a lot as players entered and then left areas. Part of the fix detects old broken timers, so each area will start spawning again, but the increase may be short lived as it evens out over time.

    faatal on Forums - Thread - Direct

A container in Unity is a GameObject that holds a bunch of child objects in a group of a similare type and is commonly used in Unity games. In this case we had all spawned vehicles under Entities/Cars. Unity combines all the child object transforms with each root level object in the scene, so adding or removing children, like spawning a vehicle, causes that array of transforms to change and recalculations happen. It is more optimal to just store individual objects in the root and not use containers, but then it is harder to debug a scene with thousands of objects. I have been moving a variety of object types out of containers, like trees, object pools, chunks and now vehicles. Each of these is a small optimization, but added together equals decent gains.

Bloodmoon parties are formed from players near each other. It used to be 30m and now is 80m, which make a lot more sense, since two players could be on the opposite sides of a large base when the bl...

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