over 4 years
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Thing is, Autosaves for most other games are in the realm of hundreds of kilobytes, or a few dozen megabytes at the largest. So most people don't care if those games have multiple auto-saves.
7DTD on the other hand Starts at 100-200mb, and can grow towards if not past 1gb with ease. Having several autosaves would take up a rather excessive amount of space, all considered- while manual backups is at the users own judgement... Plus auto-saving such huge files isn't exactly fast, and would no doubt cause performance drops.
But I think the issue is more that the method of saving in 7DTD is constant- Every step you take, block you break, bit of exp you gain is saved. Not sure how well such a streaming save method would work with backups mid gameplay.
That said, I think A, singular, backup autosave would be nice..At the very least upon loading up, if not during actual gameplay, so if you DO lose progress, it's only a few hours worth instead of the entire cumulative time spent in that particular save.
7DTD on the other hand Starts at 100-200mb, and can grow towards if not past 1gb with ease. Having several autosaves would take up a rather excessive amount of space, all considered- while manual backups is at the users own judgement... Plus auto-saving such huge files isn't exactly fast, and would no doubt cause performance drops.
But I think the issue is more that the method of saving in 7DTD is constant- Every step you take, block you break, bit of exp you gain is saved. Not sure how well such a streaming save method would work with backups mid gameplay.
That said, I think A, singular, backup autosave would be nice..At the very least upon loading up, if not during actual gameplay, so if you DO lose progress, it's only a few hours worth instead of the entire cumulative time spent in that particular save.