over 3 years
ago -
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7DTD saves are enormous and also reliant upon the world files; In total, even a new save between the save+world it would be near or in excess of 1gb+, and it only grows from there as you play. Steam cloud however has a limit of 1gb flat, and getting to that 1gb requires TFP to pay a lot..so between the two facts, this game is not steam cloud enabled.
As to how to transfer data, you'll find your saves and world files in "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie"; easily accessed by searching "%appdata%" in windows search and selecting the 7DaysToDie folder.
Inside you'll find Generated Worlds, Saves, User Options, and a couple other things. Just transfer this entire folder (\7DaysToDie) to the same location (Roaming\) on your laptop.
As to how to transfer data, you'll find your saves and world files in "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie"; easily accessed by searching "%appdata%" in windows search and selecting the 7DaysToDie folder.
Inside you'll find Generated Worlds, Saves, User Options, and a couple other things. Just transfer this entire folder (\7DaysToDie) to the same location (Roaming\) on your laptop.