over 4 years
ago -
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It depends. If the two of you are far away from one another, then each of you are affected only by your own game stage. You will get zombies staged to you, they will get zombies staged to them.
If the two of you are together in a party in a small area, then the game will list your gamestages from highest to lowest then multiply down the line by a diminishing value, then add the multiplied values together.
So, you have 532, your friend has 250..
532 x 1.7 = 904.4
250 x 0.85 = 212.5
Then we add together,
904.4+212.5 = 1116.9, rounded to 1117.
So if the two of you are partied and together, you'll get zombies staged for 1117 gamestage- This might seem unfair, but, honestly, two players working together against zombies is a HUGE benefit that this gamestage multiplication doesn't fully account for.
Anyway, Here is the excerpt explaining it from the gamestage.xml
A relevant note is that there was a subtle change iirc to gamestage in that every level is now worth 2 gamestage, not 1; But the way the math is done is still accurate, i believe.
If the two of you are together in a party in a small area, then the game will list your gamestages from highest to lowest then multiply down the line by a diminishing value, then add the multiplied values together.
So, you have 532, your friend has 250..
532 x 1.7 = 904.4
250 x 0.85 = 212.5
Then we add together,
904.4+212.5 = 1116.9, rounded to 1117.
So if the two of you are partied and together, you'll get zombies staged for 1117 gamestage- This might seem unfair, but, honestly, two players working together against zombies is a HUGE benefit that this gamestage multiplication doesn't fully account for.
Anyway, Here is the excerpt explaining it from the gamestage.xml
Originally posted by Gamestage Explanation: There is a metric which maps a player or group of players to a game stage number.
This is a running total, kept for every individual player.
Every 24 hours GAME time 1 (day) is added.
On every death "daysAliveChangeWhenKilled" is subtracted from the total.
After this the daysAlive is capped.
It is low-capped at 0, high-capped at "your player level".
At player level 41 you can have a daysSurvived value anywhere from 0 to 41.
gameStage = ( playerLevel + daysSurvived ) * difficultyBonus
So if a player was level 10 and survived 4 days playing when the game stage points are calculated the game stage points would be
gameStage = (Player Level 10 + Days Survived 4 ) X difficultyBonus 1.2
The total would be 16.8 or 16 game stage points.
If the same player was level 10 and had survived 25 days and died 2x:
25 days - 2 x 2 (daysAliveChangeWhenKilled) = 21
Then daysAlive of 21 gets capped to player level so 10.
This is how the gamestage of a PARTY is calculated:
The gamestage of all (up to) 6 players is calculated.
The players are sorted by gamestage.
The highest GS number is multiplied by "startingWeight".
This then loops down the list and "startingWeight" is multiplied by "diminishingReturns" every time.
Players with GS 120, 30, 60, 91, 5, 80.
startingWeight= 1.7, diminishingReturns=0.5
So we get
120 * 1.70 = 204
91 * .85 = 77
80 * .42 = 34
60 * .21 = 13
30 * .82 = 24
5 * .11 = 1
... or a total party GS of 353
A relevant note is that there was a subtle change iirc to gamestage in that every level is now worth 2 gamestage, not 1; But the way the math is done is still accurate, i believe.