4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
In the warning you received is the correct place to do so.

Locking as this isn't something for open discussion; If you have an issue with a warning you received and wish to talk to moderation about it, in the comment field of the warning you received is the place to have that discussion.
4 months ago - Shurenai - Direct link
Replying to your query here though:

The reason we have a rule against naming and shaming is that we are forum moderators; And there is no reasonable way for us to verify the veracity of any allegation made- You can Say they kicked you. You could even have screenshots- But those screenshots could be fabricated. And the other side could themselves fabricate their defense. There's no way for us, or anyone, to reasonably prove any of it, it's all he-said she-said they-said; So all it causes is reputational harm to those involved and arguments that really don't belong on the forum.

We also cannot really force such private owners to behave in a certain way; It's their server. You could be perceiving something you said as something perfectly normal but to them is gravely offensive for any given reason. Maybe you Thought you were being reasonable but they thought otherwise.

When it comes down to it- It's their server. Their house, their rules and... Well, yes, You essentially have to, in your words, "Shut up and accept" that you're not allowed to play on that server anymore. It sucks, Especially if you'd been there a long time and having a good time of it... But it's their house, And they can kick you out at any time for any reason.

It's a reality that private servers are...well, Privately owned. Every server owner has complete control over their server; They can remove you for any reason, whether you think that reason is legitimate or not. Because it's their space, that they're providing, on their terms. They are not required in any way shape or form to allow you or anyone to play on their server; Just like you aren't required to play host to anyone you don't want in your own house.

If you have any questions that aren't addressed and would like to ask them, please do so in the warning you received.