about 3 years
ago -
Crater Creator
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Indeed, the rest of us are busy bees at night. Although doing stuff 24 hours a day isn’t realistic, that Blood Moon is coming whether you take the time to properly prepare for it or not. So you waste time at your own peril.
Though I will say gamestage has softened this a lot from what it used to be. And my other caveat is, it’s unfortunate this nothing-to-do phenomenon is most prevalent in the first days, when you haven’t unlocked much to do but also when players make their first impressions of the game.
Though I will say gamestage has softened this a lot from what it used to be. And my other caveat is, it’s unfortunate this nothing-to-do phenomenon is most prevalent in the first days, when you haven’t unlocked much to do but also when players make their first impressions of the game.