over 3 years
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It flies like a plane because it's basically a plane-o-copter. It's not a helicopter- It's a gyrocopter. It achieves lift through forward momentum like a plane with wings; But uses helicopter like blades as a stand-in for heavier wings, allowing it to be lighter and achieve flight more easily.
Historically speaking, Gyrocopters were the in-between phase of going from Planes to Helicopters.
Edit: And to mention, As janky as it might feel, It's one of the most accurate representations of gyrocopter flight I've seen in a video game.
Historically speaking, Gyrocopters were the in-between phase of going from Planes to Helicopters.
Edit: And to mention, As janky as it might feel, It's one of the most accurate representations of gyrocopter flight I've seen in a video game.