about 3 years
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It's supposed to be a challenging survival game. If you can "just chill", then the game isn't doing it's job.
Originally posted by Dark: Like take how sleepers respawn in 3 or 4 days or something, Its not hard, its just stressful.In a20 sleeper respawn is tied to the loot respawn timer. So if you have the loot respawn set to 30 days, then the sleepers won't respawn for 30 days either.
Because if your using it as a second home/horde base, you gotta clear it out every week (Maybe twice a week). If you build a lot of walls, the sleepers can respawn inside the walls/floors.
Why do they respawn so fast? Dunno. The loot is already gone and its respawn is 30 days default. If you get a quest there everything will respawn.
Many of the respawns will be in already busted open hiding spots too. So... yeah....
Or say you want to be smart and lure a sleeper away, then grab the loot. They will teleport back, right in front of you, being immersion breaking. Which okay...on default, early on, when they walk that matters, but when they are nightmare an run faster than you?
In old builds it felt like a victory to clear out towns. Now its like, before you can, part of the houses may have repopulated,
Originally posted by Dark:I agree with you completely here. Having loot respawn short prohibits exploration. What reason does the player have to explore when everything is right next to their base?Originally posted by SylenThunder: In a20 sleeper respawn is tied to the loot respawn timer. So if you have the loot respawn set to 30 days, then the sleepers won't respawn for 30 days either.
Note though that the default setting has also changed from 30 to 7.
7 days to loot respawn, geez. That is the most WHAT change I've heard in this game ever. Thats so fast I don't see why you'd need to leave your starting town lol. As someone that normally has loot respawn set to off. Thats so fast I might make stairways straight to loot and go by once a week. Thats a real headscratcher for me.
But it is nice to hear sleeper respawns are finally tied to loot. Sure will be a bigger motivation to play with loot respawn set to off,