almost 4 years
ago -
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I personally always chalk it up to "Back yard forge and workbench" vs "Precision fabrication by machine with computer control accurate down to 1/1,000,000th of an inch using ultra pure quality ingredients and perfectly crafted parts."
Like, yeah, it'd be nice to craft Q6 items, but, truthfully, You will never be able to replicate by hand and by reading out of a book or muddling around a bit the kind of workmanship that can be done with precision machinery. You're not a master craftsman of forty years that can reproduce a level of quality that a machine can; You're a backyard survival guy doing the best with the crap he's got.
Plus, as has been expounded above, If you can craft the top tier gear, why ever explore? As it stands, Q5 gear is already plenty to succeed with- You never NEED Q6 gear. Q6 gear is nice, but, not necessary in the slightest. So just let it be loot only; When you find it you'll be excited, and till you find it, it's reason to keep looking.
Also, iirc, unless they changed their minds (which is possible since it was only discussed as an idea not confirmed, iirc?), i think they had ideas to make Q6 into a suite of 'Legendary' type items that have special effects, or something to that effect.
Like, yeah, it'd be nice to craft Q6 items, but, truthfully, You will never be able to replicate by hand and by reading out of a book or muddling around a bit the kind of workmanship that can be done with precision machinery. You're not a master craftsman of forty years that can reproduce a level of quality that a machine can; You're a backyard survival guy doing the best with the crap he's got.
Plus, as has been expounded above, If you can craft the top tier gear, why ever explore? As it stands, Q5 gear is already plenty to succeed with- You never NEED Q6 gear. Q6 gear is nice, but, not necessary in the slightest. So just let it be loot only; When you find it you'll be excited, and till you find it, it's reason to keep looking.
Also, iirc, unless they changed their minds (which is possible since it was only discussed as an idea not confirmed, iirc?), i think they had ideas to make Q6 into a suite of 'Legendary' type items that have special effects, or something to that effect.