almost 4 years ago - Shurenai - Direct link
I personally always chalk it up to "Back yard forge and workbench" vs "Precision fabrication by machine with computer control accurate down to 1/1,000,000th of an inch using ultra pure quality ingredients and perfectly crafted parts."

Like, yeah, it'd be nice to craft Q6 items, but, truthfully, You will never be able to replicate by hand and by reading out of a book or muddling around a bit the kind of workmanship that can be done with precision machinery. You're not a master craftsman of forty years that can reproduce a level of quality that a machine can; You're a backyard survival guy doing the best with the crap he's got.

Plus, as has been expounded above, If you can craft the top tier gear, why ever explore? As it stands, Q5 gear is already plenty to succeed with- You never NEED Q6 gear. Q6 gear is nice, but, not necessary in the slightest. So just let it be loot only; When you find it you'll be excited, and till you find it, it's reason to keep looking.

Also, iirc, unless they changed their minds (which is possible since it was only discussed as an idea not confirmed, iirc?), i think they had ideas to make Q6 into a suite of 'Legendary' type items that have special effects, or something to that effect.
almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by JimmyIowa: I sort of see this as a simple one-upmanship thing, where it won't be possible to satisfy all views on the issue.

If they allow crafting of level 6 items, then a week later someone will say "Hey it would be cool if special Orange Tier 7 items could be looted, except they are ultra rare. That would give us a reason to keep exploring!"

Then a week after they put that in, someone else says "Hey, how come I can't craft Tier 7 items? That sucks!"

So they put that in. Then a week later.....

Tier 7 Legendary loot is actually planned though. Will require conquering a specific boss in a specific radiated area that requires specialized gear just to survive in. Should have extremely difficult zeds and such as well. Devs have been talking about this off and on in the diary for a couple of years, and the changes to loot and gamestage distribution in biomes and POI's is the seed of the system that will support it.
almost 4 years ago - SylenThunder - Direct link
Originally posted by JimmyIowa:
Originally posted by SylenThunder: Tier 7 Legendary loot is actually planned though.

And that's fine. I 100% did not say or even imply they shouldn't add it. :)

What I said was that you can't satisfy both sides of player's ultra-rare loot vs I want to craft it debate. Either they are going to be equal (you can both craft AND find everything in the game) or they aren't. Which is entirely different than siding with either side of the debate.
Agreed. Plus the current system isn't even a complete one. a20 is going to see a lot of changes again with the tiered loot distribution.

And I'm certain we will again have people complaining about the lack of early guns/ammo. But hey, you can't please everyone, and the min/maxers are not a group the devs are really concerned about based on some of their responses.

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